Another Dumb Story About When I Was a Minnow

in discussion •  7 years ago  (edited)

I told myself I wasn't going to write about Steem today.  (I lied)

After having a really enjoyable conversation with a fellow Steemian.  I started reflecting on how I went about being a minnow and why I was terrible at it.

I got here August, 2016 the mood was ecstatic.  Back then I could start at New and look at all of the posts in a few hours.  I literally read or at least glanced at every post on SteemIt.  Back then short posts were frowned upon as were most controversial subjects.  There were no memes and even short or funny posts were questionable.  Steemcleaners did an excellent job of keeping the site pretty sanitary.  It was also boring and dry with only a handful of people who felt free to challenge ideas or say anything negative at all.  The trending page posts earned $5000 or more regularly, while minnows often didn't earn a penny even with many votes.

On the other hand it was also very interesting and I learned a lot from the posts about Crypto, Freedom and of course SteemIt.  We didn't have the ability to resteem, the reward pool was curved to direct the rewards towards those who received the highest weighted votes.  Even back then was little manual curation as SteemVoter was already up and running.  I've mentioned several times now that I made 95 posts that didn't earn a thing.  (Some of them. deserved exactly that, but a lot of them were pretty good)  Many more posts made a few pennies to a dollar.

We didn't have bidbots yet, and like the current minnows, we got frustrated with the voting bots,  I made some snarky posts, and trolled the whales.  It didn't do any good.

On a personal note:  I would like to acknowledge that I think it would be smart for some of the larger stakeholders to use their stake to build the community, but it isn't a moral requirement.

While I think it would be good for the economy if we had more stakeholders curating and spreading the steem around - that wasn't happening before or after the bidbots.  The rewards just went to a small group of people who mostly only upvote each other and friends and family.

I am strongly opposed to putting the curve back in the reward pool, however, if it happens I will accept it and learn how to work in the new environment.  

The greatest equalizer for those who say unpopular things and those who have gone unnoticed is the bidbots.

Call me names, accuse me of being whatever, I am on the side of the platform!  I believe in Steem and my actions show that whether you agree with my position or not.

I support the stakeholders in owning and using their stake even when I don't like how they use it.

I want minnows to have the ability to be seen and discovered, but I also want them to understand it isn't an easy path and it isn't likely to get easier.  This isn't a free money machine.

When the promotion tab was released I had a vision of a time when money bought votes and that the highest bidder would get the votes, maybe that is where we are headed, but making up arbitrary rules about what people can do with their stake doesn't change that, it only changes how it is achieved.

I came in here trying to change this system instead of learning how it works and giving it a try.

No matter what, I don't believe that content and current fiscal policy are what brings value to Steem. Stakeholders, bring the value.   If we get investors it will be because of traffic or technology, not because we have the best darn content on the Internet.  There is not a shortage of great content on the Internet.

In my opinion we have the best group of new users ever and it is reflected in their content and in the comments.  I am seeing the biggest jump in quality yet.  Give things some time to sort out, I think we are on the right track.

To the Minnows, YOU WILL LIKELY NOT ATTRACT WHALES, build an audience.  


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Your last line resonates with me. I've built an audience over nearly 2 years. I had loads of posts that made nothing at all, but having got in at an early stage I could also see the whole feed and made connections with people who became key players. I still mostly only make a couple of dollars per post, but I'm happy enough with that. I never expected to make a fortune here as I have nothing too special to sell. I want to see the talented people do well as many struggle to live from what they do and I'm along for the ride. As Steemit grows the average user will still get crumbs, but it's still more than you can make elsewhere.

As Steemit grows the average user will still get crumbs, but it's still more than you can make elsewhere.
Many will not want to hear this, but I tend to imagine the same outcome.

I have always enjoyed your easy-going style and realistic views.

I think right now it is very easy to get steem. You can get like 2 or more Steem in one hours worth of work here in the USA. It seems like eventually that should change though.

The current economy will change for sure and probably often. :)

You can get like 2 or more Steem in one hours worth of work

This is probably true for those with a decent amount of SP and at least a few dozen regular readers. But it’s not as if you can easily extrapolate that, crank out 8 posts a day and make 16+ Steem per day. Sure, @haejin can do 10 posts a day and earn a lot (when not getting turboflagged), but he’s a special case.

I meant regular work. In general I think it's easier to work a regular job and buy Steem.

I am a minnow right now, 80 days in the pond. I guess you might not be surprised that I find this whole "eco-system" a bit confusing. I appreciate your post because it speaks from a voice of experience and gives me a little more understanding that this whole thing is a work in progress and there are likely to be other changes coming.

The thing I struggle most with is feeling like no one is seeing what I'm posting. There used to be a views counter but it seems to have disappeared. If I have to guess now how many people are seeing anything I post by the up-votes and comments it's kind of depressing. I've tried using a couple of bot-services, mostly with poor results.

I know that things take time and that finding and connecting with real people of similar interests is key. I recently shifted from a focus of creating content, to searching out the content of others and trying to add to that conversation. I have had much better luck with this approach. It lets me be more proactive instead of hoping to be found. I'm still trying to generate a post of my own a day but I honestly feel like I should take my time and try to keep my expectations in check.

I really do enjoy the concept of steemit because it makes me more aware of things going on around me and whether things in my life might be of interest to others. Or the big one, am I personally or the things I think be of interest to others.

I guess I'm not speaking specifically to the point of your post except to say, "it's hard to be a minnow these days!" I will be testing the bot waters again soon. And that I'm going to keep following posts like this to learn from others. Keep an eye out for my fins, thanks.

I am a minnow right now...

You’re actually a red fish (aka plankton). A minnow has a million vests, currently just under 492 Steem Power. @arcange has some great stats to check out.

Crap!!! Am I even lower in the eco-system than I thought? Plankton?!? I guess I'm just aspiring to be a minnow with many moons to go. I need to revise my previous statement, "it's hard to be a minnow these days!"

Now I know, "it's hard to be protozoa these days." Why? Because protoza eat fecal matter of everything else in the ocean to survive. I need to brush my teeth and listen to the Marvin Gaye song, "Can I get a witness?"
Not complaining, just saying with a : )

Video credit: youtube/nessam72


It is difficult now and then. I couldn't debate what is harder, but I want to fully acknowledge it is difficult being a minnow. It is difficult to get visibility.

What we are talking about here that makes it hard in part is to come in and earn with little to no investment. Why should that be easy?

It takes time and effort everywhere to earn money of any kind.

I like your strategy of making comments and I followed you the other day, after I thought you made an excellent comment.

With your ability to communicate, I bet you will see your account growing quickly.

Thank you. When you say, "investment" are you just talking about time and effort or do you mean also investing more $ when getting started? BTW, I appreciate your follow and support.

Investment can be either or both time and money. But putting the time in takes time. lol.

I'm glad you are here!

This isn't a free money machine.

I agree, but minnows see Trending and they think they will get 1000$ for first post.

P.S. Congrats for reputation 70.

Thank you for noticing 70!!! It was a long time coming.

I understand them thinking they can achieve trending levels, but I am stunned at the willingness to fuss about it, before they even understand the system.

Stakeholders, bring the value.

Mr. Pedant wonders if the comma is intentional or not. The meaning changes quite a bit. 😜

haha... so true

I agree with what you say but I also think it's important for the stakeholders to realize that they need to invest in the minnows in order for the platform to take off.

I know that many large stakeholders have a tendency to upvote good full length comments at something like 1% or even $0.01 when they have a ton of available VP and SP.

This comes down to what you were talking about when you said that SP was an asset.

It's true that minnows need to build an audience, so that they too can become stakeholders.

However, we as a community need to realize that the reward pool is for rewarding good posts and comments. I don't care if you circle jerk a little bit, as long as you remember to reward good posts and comments.

I wish stakeholders would see rewarding content as a higher priority as well. :)

I just don't think that is their concern and after 2 years in, I doubt that will change. Having accepted that... I control only what I control.

Nobody is going to make it easy, I'm in anyway. Others can make their own choices.

That is another bitter pill to swallow. It's the squeaky wheel that gets the grease, regardless of how bad it's content is.

Locally, we have started a group where we can support each other's content and meet the people who are upvoting our stuff.

Perfect! Everyone might want to consider making a little group and helping to support each other. Whales and Dolphins are in short supply!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I never thought about it like that - back in Aug 2016 I thought Steemit was very cool but it was like landing in geek world and I wanted to make geeks heads explode - I had nothing to lose and most of my posts earned less than $1.

Now I'm much more conservative and I'm not mentioning several controversial subjects as much as I would have done in 2016. For example, if I'd thought that the CIA had it's fist right up Steemit's sphincter back then I would have said so loud and clear. Now I'm just hinting at it in comments!.

My payouts have dropped from $50 ish to $5 ish this year, and part of me is saying bidbots suck, while another part is saying if I can't beat them join them.

Two things I disagree with you on - quality of new users - half of them, if not more, are fake accounts, zillions of the comments are moronic, and the quality of the good posts is similar to 2017. So no improvements there.

But if Bidbots are the only way I can get $50 for posts saying WTF? - hell you are making me consider it. It will be your fault if I turn to the dark side...

PS - this stuff is like WW3 isn't it?

Come to the darkside.. or not. :) It's your choice.

Other Interesting Thoughts..

The people who mined get to use their stake and keep it invested, but they have less control over the content.

People who are actually willing to purchase something instead of complain about earnings are getting paid, gee that sounds terrible! Who would want that!

Yes there are middle men being rewarded, but at least it isn't the old SteemGuild Crew.

I acknowledge the bots create some problems, but for now I am thankful for a new and interesting view on the Trending page each day!

You are free to disagree. It is a rock and hard place situation.

You spit pretty hard truths. I wonder how you can be so bullish about steem's future though.

Google was not the first search engine.

Facebook was not the first social media.

But what do I know.

How much money did you make on Google and Facebook? lol

Lol... Wrong analogy. Facebook vs Myspace. Steem vs eos. Not steem vs facebook. That's if you even get what this conversation is about.

lol It looks like EOS is finally launched. Yesterday is was still not up.
Maybe next week I can compare it to Steem.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

And yet, people at Myspace are still making money today. :)

Half bread better than none huh. Too bad i'm a greedy bastard who wants to be where the biggest pie lives.

I love reading your post because it's worth it.

Being a baby on this platform is not easy in this era, presently if you expecting to get an Upvote from a whale then you are just deceiving yourself. I believe you need hard work, consistency, getting the right niche and a bit of luck.
Have seen people with good and quality content but the issue is once you are not into #cypto then no one wants to hear about you, dolphins are stingy with votes etc
I have being on steemit for some months now, I must testify its not easy, you post good content but hardly see an Upvote.
You almost feel discourage but I have promise myself never to give up but to walk my way to the top.

My advice to my fellow struggling minnows is to just be consistent and never give up. You dont know when you will hit it right.

At sir @whatsup thanks for dropping this and your support so far

It isn't that we are stingy with our votes, it is that we have very few of them just like everyone else.

We need to change the expectation that the goal of steem is to get large votes, although they are nice.

A more reasonable goal for most is to build an audience and gather stake and use it to support yourself and your circle.

I agree with you that you are not stingy with yourself. I am a witness to that.

What am just trying to say is if there is anyway we can encourage babies with quality content but less than 2cent on their post.

You are trying personally I must confess

I am strongly opposed to putting the curve back in the reward pool, however, if it happens I will accept it and learn how to work in the new environment.

I'm not really concerned about this happening, largely because the supporters think it will kill vote-buying and the reverse is actually true. If they get close to making it happen I'll take a few days off and write a free exponential vote-buying script and offer it to all the services.

lol, that is exactly what was happening before the hardfork that allowed them to gain visibility.

Every stage of evolution has its own problems. People who complain, will always complain. Others will keep working and grow.

This ^ I need to just start ignoring it. I guess I feel some call to explain how it works and where we have been, but I should just let them learn for themselves.

lol enjoyable, if a bit jumpy, article. i like to hear the "back in the day" stories about steemit.

To the Minnows, YOU WILL LIKELY NOT ATTRACT WHALES, build an audience.

i'm glad you saved this for last and put it in caps. i tell this to anyone who will listen (and anyone who's complaining about earnings). we minnows outnumber the whales by astronomical proportions and for those of us powering up most of what we earn (or all), our voting weight will only grow with it. yesterday's minnows- tomorrow's larger minnows and all of those votes add up. slow and steady wins the race. bid bots are an empty detractant from that. frankly i like the content i like and it doesn't impress me if it's $20-100x more dollars (and unless you're over 250 i don't think it brings many new eyes either.)

I am glad that you are here and that you get it. :) That is absolutely right on that you create a circle of followers and you grow together. My account is living proof that works! It is what I did.

I agree the article was jumpy as heck. I started out in one direction and went a different route. lol. :)

This isn't a free money machine.

Except for some. And I think that's where a lot of the frustration comes from.

Good point. I guess I am glad I have no misconceptions of fairness. :)

True if every post was all about seriousness this place would quickly become boring, a little diversification is always good. No memes? Must have been tough. lol

Wow, I have a feeling of what it takes to be a minnow. Steem is not a free Money,one have to work hard, create goot content, come with great ideas and innovative, relate with people and so on. I just want to appeal to stakeholders to help the hardworking minnow by rewarding their hardwork. It can be frustrating at times to be a minnow.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.

True fact .

Nice to know a minnow experience from a couple of years back! And yeah, building an audience is definetely the way to go. One of the things that makes me like posting here is that I post about what I like, and there's bound to be a niche that shares the same interests. While keeeping an open mind and reading/learning new stuff is also a bonus, I'm pretty sure that the interaccion with the community will be mainly with that niche.

... and I think there is still a lot of opportunity for some who chose to grow their accounts.

Agreed! Only one month here thow, let's see what the future brings :)

In some point it sure has become one sided for the users who have influence they are just getting bigger & bigger like you said they do deserve it but if the new users are not given any chance than soon we will see them getting away from the community.It sure is not easy but it should not be impossible as well.

Well hope we get to see sth change when the SMT's are released.Hope sth changes.

I really appreciate this post because it has taught me something and made me aware of some things frowned upon. I love memes and I post them sometimes but with what I just learned I will cease from posting them. Thanks for your knowledge that you just shared.

No, you misunderstood. Memes are fun and many people including myself post them. Reread the post. :)

Memes are life :P

Ohhhhh ok, I see.
Back then short and funny posts were frowned upon and no memes back then.
I appreciate the correction.
I may post a great meme from time to time.😁

yeah its really hard for a minow like us to get noticed by a whale 😔

Well here's how I've gotten most of my whale votes:

  1. Figure out which projects they support.
  2. Do something notable to support their project.
  3. Recognize that they don't have a lot of votes and you'll probably only get one or two.

can i have your discord link..and really appriciate your tips .thank you @tcpolymath

I'm tcpolymath#2171

accept my friend request plz

And they don't have time!

That is my point. The whales aren't going to notice you and that is not a problem. Adjust your expectations.

Great point @whatsup don't go chasing whales, it will only lead to disapointment. I think loads of newbies all into this trap - the whales in general dont know we exist. Your better to engage with people that you actually find write interests you, and are interested in the long term health of Steem.

Grow with your audience :)

I agree

These inputs are really important because an experience words can showcase the tough journey, and yes it's just not about the content and Steem is Business and the most important are Stakeholders because they hold the Steem and it's all the about Steem, whenever we enter into any new world, first of all we have to understand the basic nature of that world before doing some own random actions which can kick you hard. When we understand the important aspects then we can prepare our own strategies and these strategies can help us in building up the connections, and when one platform is community driven then it's not an alone game, we have to grow in numbers. Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

Interesting post @whatsup. I like hearing stories of the "good" old days.

There's definitely a general perception that it was easy for everyone in the early days so I love to hear stories that tell a different tale.

I'm just coming up to six months here and it's already very different from when I came on board.

I've never been concerned with attracting whales. It always seemed a waste of time to me. I'm spending my time forming relationships, having conversations and trying to stay positive and have fun.

I enjoyed reading:

I am seeing the biggest jump in quality yet. Give things some time to sort out, I think we are on the right track.

shortcuts aren't always good. The fruit of patience are so sweet

few days agao you posted it is hard to earn on steem i think you was right

This post has received a 21.21 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @whatsup.

we have a lot of new comers here