Corona Virus - Global real time map

in disease •  5 years ago  (edited)

The virus that was first reported in China has now found its in roads to many parts of the world. I live in a province/state in India where a large number of people are working and living abroad. There is a large student population also.

Two of the cases reported in India are in our state. I am very confident that the health department will manage the crisis like the previous Nipah ( outbreak.

Found a real time updated graph which is tracking the cases reported in various parts of the world :

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In Brazil have 12 suspect of coronavirus, have 2 cases confirmed...

In our state a large number is under observation

Now is 16 cases under investigation here. The president said all brazilian peoples in Wuhan they back home! 🤔

Apparently Wuhan has lot of international students and visitors. From news I am seeing that there were lots of students studying for medicine there.

wow, ithink the new coronavirus is a cataclysm virus.