Too hot and disgusting people

in disgusting •  last year 


Hot and disgusting people

The last few days we have been with a heat wave. People, in different parts of my country, have been complaining on social networks that the heat is unbearable.

Here, in Venezuela, there are states where the tradition has long been for them to be hot. For example, Zulia, where they are used to temperatures between 32 and 33 degrees maximum. It is quite a high temperature for a very tropical country. And with these heat waves it's been too hot, the temperature is, I think, up to 38 degrees Celsius, which is unthinkable.

Added to this, with the number of failures that the drinking water service has, in which there are restrictions, makes the situation quite worrisome. With these heat waves and everything being so hot, what it honestly causes is being in a pool all day. And without having drinking water, this becomes quite a difficult challenge to overcome.

I am fortunate to live in an area that is quite cold, in a state in which by tradition it is cold, at least in the part of the city where I am, which is in the easternmost tip. The conditions in which I live: at the back of the building there is a view of the entire organization, of the organization's houses, so I don't have any obstacles. In other words, the wind passes freely and there is nothing to offer resistance. This causes the temperatures to be lower and makes it cold. And that normally in seasons like this, at this time of the month, heat waves don't affect me as much.

Well, this is also because I am someone who avoids going out as much as possible, since I am not a person who likes to socialize frequently. Speaking of this, I was recently chatting with an acquaintance, telling him that I am an asocial person, which is very different from being antisocial. They are two different terms. Antisocial is the person who has problems with society and goes around looking to harm it. Asocial are the people like me, who don't like to socialize with the rest of the people or who try to keep their distance from all the neighbors and from the whole society in general. And this is a personal choice, I commented to the person with whom I was talking, that it is a personal decision that must be respected.

However, it seems that people, in their desire for curiosity and always being aware of gossip and the morbid side to see if the person is doing something illegal, if they are committing a crime or to only investigate the reason why another person decides not to go out or decides not to be in contact with someone, it becomes quite annoying, it becomes something that is unpleasant, especially if being asocial like me and suffering from Asperger's condition, this becomes quite a challenging situation for us who are in this condition.

We do not want special treatment, we just want them to let us be a normal person and to respect our privacy, since socializing represents a challenge for us and that they force us to socialize and above all in conditions where things are too hot with this issue. of the heat wave and all this, then it becomes much more complicated, it adds more difficulties to life and why make people's lives more difficult when, in reality, we should make it easier.

I'll take this reflection on the subject that is very hot for today and these are the five minutes of writing for me today.

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