Disney is failing.

in disney •  last year 


The other day, I briefly had a conversation with someone who said that adults shouldn't be annoyed by the content Disney's putting out, such as the new version of Snow White, because "It's made for kids" and Disney obviously "knows its audience" better than they do.

Now... Apart from the fact that something being "made for kids" (not always true in any case) should not -- in any sense -- justify it being terribly written and produced, the company itself is not actually doing very well.

Yes, they have massive revenue and they're going to be "fine" financially for quite some time simply due to the fact that they're a 100-year-old multi-billion dollar enterprise with tons and tons of beloved characters and IP that they'll keep making money on even as their new content fails.

But their new content is failing, and it's dragging the whole business down.

So perhaps the last few years of Disney's creative choices haven't been an example of them "knowing their audience" better than their critics do, so much as it's been -- like a lot of everything else in the world -- an example of a bunch of internal staff swapping out craft & creativity in storytelling for ideological activism, insulting fans, burning bridges, and slowly but surely tarnishing their brand's legacy.

Even if I didn't care about the ideas that are being pushed in most modern Disney content, just speaking as someone with a lot of experience writing and producing various types of content, I can tell you that it's become such consistent garbage that my default assumption is now that I won't like whatever new show is coming out.

And I'm usually right at this point.

Even Ahsoka, which I had comparatively high hopes about, was deeply disappointing, largely owing to its pitiful writing and lethargic direction. Coupled with new subscription price increases, and I'm pretty happy to just go right back to unsubscribing and not caring about new shows they have coming out.

I'm definitely not alone there.

In any case, maybe giving a multinational corporation the benefit of the doubt or blind allegiance is silly and your assumption should not be that they "know what they're doing".

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