It is funny and sometimes ridiculous to hear people suggest that children or even babies at the crawling stage are pure innocence. Please or SHOULD I SAY PUHLEASE!!!! I remember being in court and hearing a judge say, “what happened to this child because children don’t just turn out this way”. She was speaking of a teenager who at the time was a very unruly “child”. Well, that sympathetic (more like pathetic) judge ended seeing that same “what happened” child in her court years later, but this time as a mother with her own child.
You see, no one taught her how to be disobedient and unruly. She wanted to be that way. It was in her. Now, back to the crawling baby. If they are so innocent, then why is it that they continue to crawl to the very object the parent told them to leave alone? Is it because of curiosity? Yes, but there is more. A little experiment for the non-believer. Observe the child by stepping out of his or her eyesight and when they think you are gone, they purposely head for the forbidden item. No one taught that child disobedience. It is in her or him by nature. Some children even fight other children over toys without seeing it done before. Some things are just in people. While some things are taught to them….
….just an observation.