I will not censor myself. I will not comply.

in disobey •  3 years ago 


I will not go along with the state's plan for totalitarian control. Do you really want to live in a world where you have to show papers or a digital pass in order to engage in the economy? They are turning your rights into permissions and footing you the bill. It's time to #disobey and #secede from this madness.

Get your own tee here: https://bit.ly/3mNHf2E

P.S. My DISOBEY music video campaign is now live at: https://igg.me/at/disobey

Support the campaign and you can even get a mention in the music video as I take on the tyrannical lockdown, shutdown, and mask order mandates!

Thank you for your support! ~Pho ^^

#libertarian #endthelockdown #endtheshutdown #firefauci #taxationistheft

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