Cryptocurrency to Annihilate India's Caste System

in disruption •  6 years ago 


I vaguely remember learning about India's caste system in school. It's easy to forget they have one because it is obviously so archaic and contrary to our way of life. They have a very interesting culture, to say the least.

India has been recently threatening a law that would imprison citizens simply for holding Bitcoin. Their proposed ten year sentence is hardly a slap on the wrist.

It was brought to my attention recently: a lot of the resistance that cryptocurrency faces in India is directly attributed to their caste system. What would happen if a janitor managed to acquire several dozen Bitcoin (or any other crypto) when it was extremely cheap to do so? In America, everyone is simply a temporarily embarrassed millionaire until they win the lottery and strike it rich. In India, it would be unacceptable for an Untouchable or Sudra to acquire millions of dollars in this fashion. The entire caste system would be broken by it.

Well, get ready India, because there is nothing you can do about it. People used to worry about crypto bans happening around the world. Now bulls think it's even more bullish when a country attempts to engage in such a futile uphill battle. Monero will reign supreme in India, they say.

I tend to agree. There is no stopping this revolution, no matter how stunted and slow progress is, progress is being made nonetheless. I for one am glad that India's caste system will be no more. Being born into your class and never being able to make something of yourself? What kind of culture is that? I have no respect for it.

Regardless of what I think, this kind of disruption is going to shake the country with the highest population density in the world to its very core. It's not going to be pretty. This doesn't apply to just India, but the entire world. India is simply a worst case scenario.

Let the chips fall where they may.

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Okay so this post is wrong is many ways. I'll try to explain.

What is the caste system?

The caste system was actually hierarchical division of labor within the Indian society.
It stopped being just a labor division during the time of the Mughal and the British.

Can a person change his caste?

In the ancient times, yes. There have been many cases where people have gone from lower caste to a higher caste the most famous examples of this case are:
Maharishi Valmiki: he started his life out as a Highway robber and became a great sage. He's the author of the Ramayana.
Veda Vyasa: He was born to a fisherwomen and he is the author of the Mahabharata.
Many Indian Kings and conquers have also been born into a lower caste but that didn't stop them from not achieving great things.

Caste system in modern India

There's no caste based discrimination in India except in a few rural and undeveloped parts of the country. People from the lower caste are given equal opportunities and there's also affirmative action that the government has undertaken to help them.
Even the Indian Prime Minister belongs to a lower caste, That didn't stop him from achieving great success in politics.

Now here's the truth, most of what you hear about India in the west is from self-hating Indians/Leftists who are now part of academia.
The crypto currency ban has nothing to do with caste or religion. Thanks government is doing a crack down on money laundering and the crypto ban is just a part of that.
PS. They didn't ban crypto here, The ban was suggested in a draft.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

You're a waste of space. You've been flagged like the trash you are.

I think you’ll find that there’s been a lot of change in India since you were in school. 😏

I think caste is in regards to your family's lineage, not how rich or poor, because being a bankrupt won't change that your parents were Brahman, not that I don't think it's repugnant.

As always, the only real war was class war.

cryptocurrencies are such a disruptive technology that i am sure that it will disrupt almost ALL of the hierarchies.

But, it won't really be because one person gets rich, is that, all of a sudden, the cost of doing business plummets, and the playing field gets levelled in such a way that all of the houses of cards, will just tumble.

And this will ... everything will be different.

a lot of the resistance that cryptocurrency faces in India is directly attributed to their caste system.

What source you referred to for such a weird logic?!
Can you quote any credible source for such a view-point?

Whatever you have written doesn't make any sense to me at all. Please try to explain in more detail.

For that matter, if a janitor manage to acquire any asset, he / she can get rich when that asset appreciates. Why just crypto, India should ban all asset class with this logic!

Never thought about it, not sure how it went under my radar - but it did.
I mean, i was aware of their caste system but never put it in the crypto context. Will be interesting seeing how exactly are they planning to trace and lock up people handling crypto.

The fact that @v4vapid and @canadian-coconut, etc. vote for this misinformation is ridiculous.

This is me blogging about something I heard in passing and extrapolating on it.
This isn't a research paper.
There is no misinformation.

The theme of the post revolves around blockchain disrupting the very fabric of all cultures.

Right, use a bad example to make a point. Please don't bother reply to my comment. I am not interested in your explanation.

LOL salty AF.
Why do you care?