How to Write Engineering Dissertation?

in dissertation •  2 years ago 

Before we proceed with “engineering dissertation,” we must first learn about dissertations and the topics that are covered in them. Below is an example of “how to write a dissertation.”


What is dissertation?
A dissertation is a research project finished as part of an undergraduate or postgraduate degree. It is also known as a thesis (in some countries, this term is exclusively used for the final assignments of PhD degrees, whereas in other countries, “thesis” and “dissertation” are equivalent). Typically, a dissertation gives students the chance to discuss their research in answer to a thesis or issue of their own choosing. But, the project’s objective is to test students’ ability to do independent research, and the assessment will be help to decide their final grade. Therefore, dissertation project is primarily independent, however there is typically some direction from your tutors.

The majority of students will finish this task at university, which will be the most time-consuming, challenging, and crucial one yet (the library might become a second home). But, it may also be highly rewarding, especially if you’re passionate about the subject you’ve chosen. So choose a subject that you really like.

What are the differences between dissertations?
Depending on your degree of study, you will write a different kind of dissertation. The distinction between empirical and non-empirical dissertations is one of the key ones.

Empirical dissertations- Empirical dissertations are those that involve data collection, such as in a psychology degree. Similarly, this could imply following professional and ethical guidelines when collecting data from members of the public. But, natural and life science empirical dissertations may include laboratory work.

Non-empirical dissertations- Non-empirical dissertations rely on previously collected data and arguments from other people’s work. Almost, this will certainly entail spending a significant amount of time with your nose buried in a book! In this type of dissertation, you must ensure that you critically analyse the work and explore its practical applications rather than simply describing what others are saying.

What is the length of a dissertation?
The length of a dissertation varies depending on the study level and country. But, it is typically 10,000-12,000 words at the undergraduate level, 15,000-25,000 words at the master’s level, and up to 50,000 words or more at the PhD level.

How to Write an Engineering Dissertation?
Writing a dissertation is simple if you have a topic in mind and the points you want to cover. But, the options for engineering students are fairly straightforward. However, they can work on something completely new and original, or they can work on an existing topic and expand on it to make the research more valuable.

Most students choose to work on something new because there is no shortage of engineering ideas. You must proceed if you believe you are creative and can come up with something new and unique. However, for those who are unsure about what to discover or work on, it is preferable to work on some of the previously researched topics. Hence, all you need to do is change the angle or provide additional explanations or significance to the project.

Here’s A Quick Reference For Engineering Students:
The dissertation is the most important task you will undertake, and it will determine your grade. So avoid making any unnecessary mistakes. Keep the goals simple and straightforward. It does not help if work begins at the eleventh hour; instead, start early because it is something you know you will have to do.
With enough time, you will be able to come up with an interesting topic while also having enough time to conduct experiments and research.
Once you have all of the information, plan the layout and decide how you want to present it to the university. You can download some of the templates to get a better idea of the paper’s structure.
The items you will be working on must be legally certified. You simply cannot work on illegal topics that could endanger your health. Furthermore, maintaining law and order is critical. If you have any doubts, you can always ask the professor to clarify whether the project will be approved.
Once completed, you must proofread the draughts to ensure that there are no mistakes or errors. Also, Simple errors can quickly turn readers off, so try to avoid them.
Structure of a Engineering Dissertation or Thesis
What Are The Topics In Dissertation Title?
A title page is the first page of your research paper that contains all of the names and titles.

The title page can also include your university’s name, logo, student ID, and submission date. For instance, Many academic programmes have strict formatting requirements for the dissertation title page.

Dissertation title/topic,
Your Name,
Name of the Department and Institution,
Degree Program
Your Enrollment Number, and
Date of Submission of the document.
It may also include the logo of your university and your supervisor’s name.
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The abstract is one of the shortest sections of your thesis. It typically has a word count of 300. the programme may change depending on word limit. It’s a shortened version of your entire research. As a result, it includes the following items:

The study’s research problem and objective
How the study is conducted
The study’s most important findings or trends
A line or two about your interpretations of the result and your conclusions.
A line or two about your interpretations of the result and your conclusions.
Table of contents
Table of contents is the section of a dissertation that guides each section of the dissertation paper’s contents. Moreover, The most helpful headings are provided in a table of contents, according to the level of depth, along with the page number where the reader can find the information.

The Table of Contents function in Microsoft Word allows for both automatic and manual table of contents insertion.

List Of Figures And Tables
If your dissertation paper includes a lot of illustrations, tables, and figures, you should put them in a separate section with a numbered list. Again, this set of tables and figures can be automatically generated and placed using a built-in capability in Microsoft Word.

Abbreviations List
Dissertations that contain several abbreviations may also include an independent and separate alphabetized list of abbreviations so that readers can easily determine their meanings.

If you believe you have used terms and phrases that your readers may not be familiar with, you can create a glossary that lists important phrases and terms and explains their meanings.

This is the section in which you thank everyone who assisted you with the writing of your dissertation, including your guide.
The introduction chapter introduces the purpose and significance of your research topic briefly.
You will be expected to list the purpose and key objectives of your research in this section so that your readers understand what the following chapters of the dissertation will cover. The following information should be included in a good dissertation introduction section:
You have outlined the following:
your research aims and objectives,
provide background information on why you decided to conduct the research,
ensure that the focus of your research is clear, and
Describe why your research is important.
Literature Review:
The literature review chapter summarises previous research on the topic and helps you better understand the existing literature on your chosen topic. But, for completing your work later you have to plan your supplement primary research work.

Make certain that the academic sources you use are reliable and up to date. The literature review chapter must be thorough and address the aims and objectives stated in the introduction chapter. For example, Here are some goals for your literature research chapter:

Data collected from academic sources example- books, journal articles, and research papers.
Analytical evaluation of the information gathered from those sources; this would entail critiquing the reviewed studies, that is, what their strengths/weaknesses are, why the research method they used is superior to others, the significance of their findings, and so on.
Identifying key research gaps, conflicts, patterns, and theories to effectively communicate your point to the reader.
Tips:- To provide descriptive answers to some or all of your research questions, you may want to establish relationships between variables/concepts. For example, in quantitative research, you might hypothesise that variable A is positively related to variable B, implying that as one increases, so does the other.
Research Methodology:
The Methodology chapter discusses in detail the methods and techniques (secondary and/or primary) used to collect research data. The following are the most commonly used primary data collection methods:

focus groups

The methodology chapter essentially allows the researcher to explain how he/she obtained the findings, why they are reliable, and how they assisted him/her in testing the research hypotheses or addressing the research problem.

When writing dissertation methodology, you may want to consider the following:

The type of research and approach used in your work. Experimental, quantitative, and qualitative methodologies are among the most commonly types of research.
Questionnaires, surveys, focus groups, observations, and other data collection techniques are already in use.
Details about how, when, where, and what research.
Applied data analysis strategies (for instance, regression analysis).
Tools and software for data analysis (Excel, STATA, SPSS, lab equipment, etc.).
Research limitations to highlight any difficulties you encountered while conducting our research. The limitations of the research methodology may or may not be mentioned. Some institutions’ policies require them to be listed in a separate section alongside recommendations.
Research limitations to highlight any difficulties you encountered while conducting our research. The limitations of the research methodology may or may not be mention anywhere. Some institutions’ policies require them to be post in a separate section alongside recommendations.
Justification for your research approach and methodology selection.
Content Pages:
It is divides into sections and sub-sections that are related to your research project. Figures, tables, lists, and graphs may be includes a better represent to your work.
This identifies the precise outcome of the study. Hence, your data may be presented by graphs and table

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Discussion Or Findings:
You present your research findings in this section. Research questions presented in the introduction chapter is organize from dissertation findings. Only include findings that are directly related to your research questions. However, appendices can contain any information that is not directly related to research questions or hypotheses but may be useful to the readers.

As previously stated, you can present your findings in a separate chapter or combine them with the discussion chapter. Also, This decision is influenced by the type of research involved, the academic subject, and the academic guidelines of your institution. For example, if the dissertation is based on qualitative research data, it is common to group both findings and discussion under the same section. Dissertations that use quantitative or experimental data, on the other hand, should present findings and analysis/discussion in two separate chapters. Also, Here are some sample dissertations to help you decide what structure is best for your own project.


The Conclusion section contains conclusions corresponding to each research objective. In order to complete the dissertation, this will usually accomplished by revisiting the research. Thus, Some institutions may specifically request recommendations to assess your critical thinking skills.

In the last, the reader have a clear understanding of your dissertation topics. Also, with the focus on your Research and what you learn from this dissertation.

Quick Question:- Is the conclusion chapter concerned with the contributions your research will make to existing knowledge?


All academic sources from which you gathered information should be cited in-text as well as presented in a reference list (or a bibliography if you include references that you read for the research but did not end up citing in the text) so that readers can easily locate the source of information when/if needed.

Harvard referencing is the preferred referencing style at the majority of UK universities. It has strict and specific formatting requirements for reference resources. Other common referencing styles include MLA, APA, Footnotes, and so on.


At last, Each dissertation chapter should contain pertinent information. Similarly, In this section you have to write topics that is directly not relevant for your dissertation but readers like to know Ex- interview transcript. Appendices typically contain questionnaires, survey items, or readings that were used in the study’s experiment.

What Can We Do to Assist You With Your Dissertation?

If you are still unsure how to structure a dissertation or thesis, or if you lack motivation to begin your dissertation project, you may be interested in our dissertation services.

We have PhD-qualified writers who will write your paper to the highest academic standard, whether you need help with individual chapters, proposals, or the entire dissertation paper

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