Off the bat you posit the seriousness of racism or the reality of it as something that is alien to you, a rumor you heard while at the water cooler. In other words you're saturation of it is the same of a dry towel, which you then proceed to place on top of a heater because the other side of racism is it's polarity opposite concept which for the sake of not raising the emotion of hate in you I don't dare mention. . and which you really quick profess to be so waterlogged with in order to tell us the subtle story of exactly how much you actually know of the same coin about, it's value, it's promise, and you commit the atrocity of virtue signaling that you're part of the mob, aka mob rule, aka voting and mandating, that small minority of as the vast majority or the rest shake their heads at and utter under their breath "they don't know what they're doing", the irony on many different levels sadly absent as you confirm and confine the reality of racism to belief and cult and go to reason it on a very real level like this:
You chose what you want. Your chosen meat suit or the one chose for you, isn't you. You are your choices.
Simply put you do such a fine job of mitigating the reality of racism, a concept that has inherent presence in nature and animals and to the obvious picture of statistics everywhere in society, into a mythical place, which is realized into this manifestation of our world by the act bigotry, which of course you're an adamant hater of, but which gives little to no respect to the actual definition of the concept and it's reality, or the act, minimized to rumor by the water-cooler.
The water-cooler being of course the euphemism for the oasis of TV and their awards shows, the show of the shows, and how real racism is:
Not even as funny as "Why did the chicken cross the road?" When you choose to try to spin a term that is being used to fuel identity politics as funny and in the state of the world these days due to this crap it is not funny.
Racism doesn't exist besides those few lame ass people that judge people by their choices or the choices of what God chose for them but only the choices that they make here now and we better get you a bag to breathe before you throw up all over our face should you consider the reality of racism.
Grow up! Start using your mind! Start learning who people REALLY are and quit worrying about their body! It is easy, if you'd just take the time to do it.
Stop letting these morons in Hollywood and the media do your thinking for you. They are idiots and clearly have no clue what diversity means. Perhaps that is why they keep recycling the same movies, and shows over and over again.
The same shows that were never racist.
They are trying to be diverse right?
Perhaps that is why they now make shows that are almost 100% black. Even if the issue were our bodies that would not be a representation of diversity in that situation either would it?
Put down the remote, but then again where would you find all this hate to keep you going, errmm you're not fueled by hate/s
The problem is... there is a name for focusing on the outward appearance of people and making that the issue. It is called bigotry. It is called racism. My problem is that these idiots every time they use the term "diversity" the way they do are promoting racism.
In a way yes. In a way no. Internally integrating the two you'd recognize that yes systemic racism exists, yes it seeps into this laugh in your face flaunting of the genitals to actual racism that the TV shows work for and have worked for.
Grow up! If they taught that to you in college demand your money back as your instructors were indoctrinated minions.
But of course you're a tax paying voter.