in divine •  10 months ago 


16 “COME near to Me, hear this: I have not spoken in secret from the beginning; From the time that it was, I was there. And now the Lord GOD and His Spirit Have sent Me.”
18 OH, that you had HEEDED My commandments! THEN YOUR PEACE WOULD HAVE BEEN LIKE A RIVER, And your RIGHTEOUSNESS like the WAVES of the SEA."
Isaiah 48:16-18 (NKJV)

• Inspired ideas come from the Holy Spirit.

  • Every human being is having an access to natural ideas, whilst the intellectuals HAVE an access to the intellectually ideas.

• Access to inspired ideas.

  • Covenant practice of Giving will connect you to the realms of divine ideas.
  • God blesses those whom He wanted to bless through divine ideas.
  • God's principal Way of Blessing is, through the leading in the way to go and the teaching to profit (Isaiah 48:17).
  • Through the Holy Spirit on the inside of you; you get Divinely inspired ideas.

• What is an inspired idea?

  • It is the picture of God's plan for you.
  • Giving and the inspired IDEAS: Giving is a covenant device to open your heavens for the quickening of your understanding, in order to provoke outstanding supernatural results.
  • Giving enhances your speed of thought, your frequency of understanding, and your eyes to see precious things which God has purposed or planned for you.
  • The more informed you are, the more qualitative your thought life becomes.

• The inspired ideas
I. Invest Time: You set apart time to receive an inspired idea (Daniel 2:16).
II. Provoking your thoughts.
a. You have to create an effective atmosphere to provoke divine thoughts.
Atmosphere of quietness is a good one to provoke divine thoughts. Be quiet both on the outside and on the inside:
"THIS is what the Almighty Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: YOU CAN BE SAVED BY RETURNING TO ME. YOU can have rest. YOU CAN BE STRONG BY BEING QUIET AND BY TRUSTING ME. BUT you don’t want that" (Isaiah 30:15 GOD’S WORD Translation).
b. Good enviroment. The environment you created in your home, which you live, would affect your thoughts and the receptiveness of Divine ideas.
c. The Reading. Reading also determines the quality of your Thoughts. You have to read more and wide! Be an avid reader!
READ the Bible extensively, And the books of proven AUTHOR that can enhance your spiritual life, and also, the books of those who have made impacts in your field.
SOMEONE else's has been in the future you are desiring to be, read the books of such people. The secret of every man or woman is in their stories, says someone.
d. Prayer. Praying in the language of the Holy Spirit will purge your mind of every idle thought and give room for divinely inspired IDEAS.
THE praying in the language of the Holy Spirit will cause you to be more sensitive to the voice and the leading of the Holy Spirit on the inside of you (2 Corinthians 14:2; Jude 20).
e. Focus. The more focus you are on a particular thing, the clearer your understanding on the subject (2 Corinthians 3:18).
IF you focus on things which are not part your of your assignment, that may affect your receptiveness negatively.
YOU would need to decongest your mind from idle thoughts that would not benefit your life.
YOU are the gatekeeper of your mind, you should not allow your mind to be preoccupied or dominated with idle thoughts that are not relevant to your assignment (Proverbs 4:23).

  • Quality ideas, or divinely inspired thoughts, are provoked through the steps mentioned above.
    THE inspired ideas that lead to success and fulfilment in whatever you are assigned to do, come through the consistent practice of the steps mentioned above.

• The Form.
(i) Pictures. God paints the picture of whatever He wanted to do in your heart. HE speaks through the painting of pictures in the heart—mind.
(ii) Thoughts. God will give you the thought of whatever He intended you to do.
(iii) Imagination. God gives imagination of whatever He intended you to do. You begin to imagine yourself or seeing yourself doing the particular thing, first in your mind. This is different from daydreaming. Daydreaming is a product of idle Thoughts!
(iv) Impressions. God impresses His Word, whatever He intended you to do or be, in your heart.
A Dictionary defined impression as: an idea, a feeling or an opinion, that you get or have about something or someone, OR that something or someone gives to you.
(v) Plans. Plans on whatever God wanted you to do are given by Him.

  • The plans are communicated via the ideas that come through the: thoughts, pictures, sanctified imaginations, and impressions.
  • Whatever you see on the inside of you today is what would come to be or pass. What you could see in your heart, is the Tomorrow of your life.
  • God will give you the Desire of, OR inclined your heart towards, whatever He wanted or intended to do in your life.
  • That desire or urge which you had on your inside to; teach, preach, write, sing, Counsel others, or whatever; was a picture or a divine idea from God.
  • The desire or urge or inclination of whatever God wanted you to be or do, would have been on the inside of you, even from childhood.
  • You however may have not taken notice of it, because your perceptiveness was not initially active as an unbeliever or a nominal Christian, or a carnal Christian; BUT when you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, and are mature and more spiritually sensitive, you tend to know what God wanted you to be AND leading you to do.

• When a divine idea is received, you have to subject it to prayer. You pray to filter it; that the fleshly, carnal or sensual part of it, be removed.

  • You also allow the Holy Spirit to incubate on it in your heart.
  • When the idea is received, endeavour to document it, write it down and pray on it (Habakkuk 2:2).

• You are created for a purpose.

  • God will reveal your future to you, if you are His. If you had established a relationship with Him, that is, if you have been redeemed or regenerated:
    9 BUT you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, IF indeed the Spirit of God DWELLS in you. NOW IF ANYONE DOES NOT HAVE THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST, HE IS NOT HIS. 14 FOR AS MANY AS ARE LED BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD, THESE ARE SONS [daughters] OF GOD" (Romans 8:9,14).
  • Whatever He wanted you to be or do would be revealed through your thoughts.
  • In most cases, your most dominant thought is your vision.
  • Someone said ideas rule the world; thus position yourself for inspired ideas that you may rule your world.
  • God will give you ideas for wealth in your field of endeavour, if you relate with Him through the: Studying of the Word and walking in the light of it, prayer, fasting, Giving, sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and being prompt in obeying whatever said to be done by God through the leadings.
  • Therefore, position and programme yourself to receive from God. He has given the Believers in Christ Jesus the Holy Spirit, in order to receive directions, ideas, on whatever to do:
    "BUT the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, HE SHALL TEACH YOU ALL THINGS, AND WILL BRING TO YOUR REMEMBRANCE ALL THE THINGS which I have said to you" (John 14:26 DARBY).

"WHEN the Spirit of truth comes, he will GUIDE you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will TELL you what he has HEARD. HE WILL TELL YOU ABOUT THE FUTURE."
John 16:13 (NLT)

• You will not fail in Jesus' name.

  • Healings are children's bread, Thus, I declare your healing and deliverance from the oppression of the devil Today, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  • And Afflictions will never rise again in Jesus' name.
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