DIY Divorce (special interest in Transparency Declaration)

in divorce-decree •  4 years ago  (edited)

Divorce proceeding during COVID-19, appearing telephonically.

I Tayna Last include private and exempt capacity certify the following facts to be true under penalty of perjury under criminal laws of state I am located on. I am competent on lawful age and if called on to testify with firsthand knowledge do state for Public Record the following:

  1. I claim possession over License And Certificate Of Marriage issued under San Francisco County under Abandoned Salvage, AND
  2. Said Certificate accepted for registration on 22 JAN 2014 (see below for sidereal natal chart for marital union registration under Justice Of Peace under San Francisco County) identifies Bride and Groom , AND
  3. I certified on 21 MAY 2015 said Certificate under State Of California's Department Of Public Health, AND
  4. I authenticated on 27 July 2016 said Certificate under CA's Secretary Of State to not include member state to 1961 Hague Convention Treaty, AND
  5. I authenticated on 01 September 2016 said Certificate under US's Department Of State to not include member state to 1961 Hague Convention Treaty, AND
  6. I possess exclusive over all other entities said Certificate since 26 September 2016, AND
  7. This recording executes requirements under Uniform Commercial Code Article 9 to perfect security interest over said property under UCC-3 Financing Statement, AND
    Further, I saith naught.
    I Tayna Last include unlimited commercial liability read the above Possession Declaration and know it to be true, correct, complete, not misleading, truth, whole truth and nothing but truth. I accept and honor all liability and obligations under full immunity and without recourse.
    Tayna Last
    private and exempt
    ask ruth to dissolve marital union.JPG
    Sidereal basics: 22 Jan 2014 (22 Jan: SAG/metal-CAP/fire cusper; 2014: wood-snake/fire: wood generates fire OR fire weakens wood)
    TAU/water rising/As
    CAN/wood astrological DNA/mother/Ic
    CAP/fire public reputation/father/Mc
    Essential energies:
    Venus/metal in SAG/metal in 8th house: metal fortifies metal in matters relating to transparency, healing, and the depth of life.
    Mercury/water in CAP/fire in 9th house: water controls fire OR fire insults water in matters relating to exploration of life and life's purpose.
    Jupiter℞/wood in GEM/wood in 2nd house: wood fortifies wood in matters relating to self-reliance and working with natural world.
    Mars/fire in VIR/wood in 5th house: fire weakens wood OR wood generates fire in matters relating to self-expression, passion, and creativity.
    Saturn/earth in LIB/water in 6th house: earth controls water OR water insults earth in matters relating to improvement of self, crafts, environment, or helping others improve.
    According to each natal chart, Groom is Moon healer and Bride is Mars healer. Both in 5th house with North Node (learning healthy character development/long term future direction).

I Tayna Last include private and exempt capacity certify the following facts to be true under penalty of perjury under criminal laws of state I am located on. I am competent on lawful age and if called on to testify with firsthand knowledge do state for Public Record the following:

  1. I declared collateral under UCC-3 Financing Statement over License And Certificate Of Marriage issued under San Francisco County, AND
  2. Said Certificate identifies Bride and Groom, AND
  3. I received several electronic communications (hereafter “e'mail”) AND third to last one on 04/02/2020 from District court of Affoltern asking for signed Authorization forms, AND I replied via e'mail within same day with scanned forms and with postal delivery, AND
  4. I received penultimate e'mail on 04/08/2020 at 2:17 AM from District court of Affoltern asking if telephonic appearance for divorce petition is agreed upon and requesting telephone number, AND I replied via e'mail to District court of Affoltern same day with five (5) page Oklahoma County recorded UCC-1 Financing Statemen whose collateral includes CALIFORNIA issued Birth Certificate, AND
  5. I received District court of Affoltern's final e'mail on 04/17/2020 at 4:21 AM requesting reply within five (5) days with telephone number if in agreement, AND I replied to District court of Affoltern thrice via e'mail on 4/20/2020 at 12:12 PM, 12:29 PM, and 12:36 PM with previously sent UCC-1 attachment, AND
  6. I replied to District court of Affoltern with conditional agreement to provide telephone contact via e'mail on 04/24/2020 at 1:53 PM upon their returning three (3) Transparency Declarations signed by participants: Attorney1, Attorney2, and Judge, AND I included previously sent UCC-1 attachment, AND
    ask ruth to serve universal will to all concerned.JPG
  7. I conveyed to District court of Affoltern on 04/28/2020 at 6:09 PM by e'mail an available telephone number, AND
  8. I have not received any form of reply acknowledging delivered UCC-1 Financing Statement nor requests from District court of Affoltern, AND
  9. I grant under Obligation Remedy full waiver to any and all claims to the old-age including disability pension under the account name of Groom, AND
  10. I renounce posthumous maintenance on remunerated living pension compensation voluntarily and with full knowledge on retirement or disability pension under the account name Groom, AND
  11. I expressly wish District court of Affoltern located on Im Grund 15, Affoltern a.A. under Switzerland to refrain from taking part in dividing income, AND
  12. I cancel any and all past, present and future contractual agreements associated to said Certificate Of Marriage obligating Bride and Groom, AND
  13. I dissolve the marital union identified in said Certificate Of Marriage issued under San Francisco County, AND
  14. I grant divorce decree over said Certificate Of Marriage over Bride and Groom, AND
    Further, I saith naught.
    I Tayna Last include unlimited commercial liability have read the above Divorce Decree and know it to be true, correct, complete, not misleading, truth, whole truth and nothing but truth. I accept and honor all liability and obligations under full immunity and without recourse.
    Tayna Last
    private and exempt
    wood controls earth-metal weakens earth.JPG
    Planetary placements in constellations from location of Bride. Sidereal basics: 19 May 2020, 8:30am/earth element hour (19 May: TAU/water; 2020: metal-rat/water: metal generates water OR water weakens metal). Bride's participation features awareness of others (upper right corner) and self-integration into society (upper left corner).
    GEM/wood rising/As
    LEO/earth astrological DNA/mother/Ic
    AQU/wood public reputation/father/Mc
    Essential energies:
    Venus℞/metal in TAU/water in 12th house: metal generates water OR water weakens metal in matters relating to inner peace and connectedness.
    Mercury/water in TAU/water in 12th house: water fortifies water in matters relating to inner peace and connectedness.
    Jupiter℞/wood in SAG/metal in 7th house: wood insults metal OR metal controls wood in matters relating to justice, mutuality, and one-one-one relationships.
    Mars/fire in AQU/wood in 8th house: fire weakens wood OR wood generates fire in matters relating to transparency, healing, and depth of life.
    Saturn℞/earth in CAP/fire in 7th house: earth weakens fire OR fire generates earth in matters relating to justince, mutuality, and one-one-one relationships.
    Everything is contract. Seventh house relates to 'spouse' and matters relating to justice, mutuality, and one-on-one relationships. Bride's 7th house contains Pluto℞ (internalized eliminating deep emotional attachments) , Jupiter℞ (internalized envisioning what's possible), and Saturn℞ (internalized structuring our lives). This is a fated event: true.
    Ask Ruthenium to deliver relations to guide Bride's thoughts, words, and actions to align with our original intentions and agreements. I may ask, and natal chart reveals Bride's relations present and in full support.
    _ask ruth to deliver.JPG
    Planetary placements in constellations from location of Groom. Sidereal basics: 19 May 2020, 3:30pm/metal element hour (19 May: TAU/water; 2020: metal-rat/water: metal generates water OR water weakens metal). Groom's participation features self-integration with enviroment (lower right corner) and self-integration into society (upper left corner).
    VIR/wood rising/As
    SAG/metal-OPH/wood cusper astrological DNA/mother/Ic
    GEM/wood-TAU/water public reputation/father/Mc
    Essential energies:
    Venus℞/metal in TAU/water in 9th house: metal generates water OR water weakens metal in matters relating to exploration of life and life's purpose.
    Mercury/water in TAU/water in 9th house: water fortifies water in matters relating to exploration of life and life's purpose.
    Jupiter℞/wood in SAG/metal in 4th house: wood insults metal OR metal controls wood in matters relating to feelings and caring for and nurturing others.
    Mars/fire in AQU/wood in 6th house: fire weakens wood OR wood generates fire in matters relating to improvement of self, crafts, environment, or helping others improve.
    Saturn℞/earth in CAP/fire in 5th house: earth weakens fire OR fire generates earth in matters relating to self-expression, passion, and creativity.
    Groom's 7th house contains Chiron (healing wounds; redemption and rejuvenation) and Moon (receiving inner awareness; physiological receptivity).
    CH appears to have advantage with Ophiuchus (13th astrological sign: healing self and others through redeeming physical and instictual natures) as astrological DNA/mother. Court is just a game, even during the C-irus quarantine. Remdy: Many thanks for coordinating and confirming date and time. It is my express wish to have my electronic communication 'address' updated to Taena [at] mail [dot] com. The District court of Affoltern's service and time are appreciated.

This electronic communication 'address' is under the special appearance on behalf of Frau Tayna Last. Furthermore, communications related to this 'address' may include District court of Affoltern also known as District court of Affoltern scheduled Tues 19 May 2020 beginning 15:30 CET and 08:30 CDT.

Additionally, the following wording may be added as 'signature': This special telephonic appearance on Tuesday, St. Dunstan, 19 May 2020, 8:30 CDT/15:30 CET limited to thirty (30) minutes may include Frau Bride AND may execute divorce and dissolve issued License And Certificate Of Marriage registered under San Francisco County between Bride and Groom. All potential participants are urged to make their own independent investigation and evaluation of any attorney or lawyer being considered. This disclosure is required by rule of Iowa's Supreme Court.

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