Why do I choose DIW token?

in diwtoken •  6 years ago 


Overview of the DIW platform - decentralized storage and data protection

In today's digital era, personal data and user activity are increasingly moving to the network, for their safe storage and use requires a reliable and convenient infrastructure. This function is taken care of by DIW. DIW owners will be able to anonymously log on to the network, gaining access to Secure Vault's secure storage where they can safely store their entire "virtual life", including confidential documents, passports, contracts, electronic medical and registration data.

Organizations and individuals around the world will be able to participate and offer their services in the Global Catalog. Access to the network is provided only to trusted users who have confirmed their accounts and have filled in all the necessary KYC / KYS documentation.

Transactions will be made absolutely transparent, and all network members will be able to see the activity of other users in the form of a rating. The DIW token will be used across the network for transactions between its members with maximum security. Premium participants will be offered additional services, such as encrypted data storage, escrow services based on digital contracts, and a hardware purse for increased security.

What problems does the DIW platform solve?

In the network, the user faces a number of problems and threats that need to be addressed today. tomorrow technologies that are now innovative will already become mainstream and it will be impossible to imagine their lives without them.

Increasing data leakage. The interception and theft of confidential data is constantly growing, which has a negative impact on the world - this affects both individuals and companies and entails unimaginable consequences both in the online world and outside the network. Use of crypto currency. In just 12 months, the total market capitalization of kriptovalyut significantly increased. However, crypto-currencies are used exclusively within the crypto community and online exchanges, in "real life" their use is limited.

The growth of fraud on the Internet. Find reliable and professional professionals and companies for networking in the network is becoming increasingly difficult. Each year, the number of deceived people and companies that have suffered from poor-quality products or services is growing. According to a recent report, 75% of companies that participated in the global study were victims of fraud, and 69% of them suffered financial losses. The percentage of fraud against individuals is even greater, as they are less prepared and much more vulnerable.

Advantages of the decentralized DIW community
💲 Full security for the account holder thanks to the hardware wallet.
💲 Effective, fast and economical operations.
💲 Full freedom in carrying out transactions with any currency: digital and phiatic.
💲 Single access to an endless portal.
💲 Support provided by a large international community.
💲 A secure peer-to-peer protocol for the transmission of sensitive data, including personal medical data.

Details of the ICO

To Buy DIW you must:

  1. Buy Ethereum from any digital exchange
  2. Purchase XPST by sending Ethereum to our Diwtoken wallet address
  3. Create a MetaMask wallet (Recommended) or any ERC20 compatible wallet
  4. Provide Diwtoken your MetaMask or ERC20 compatible wallet address
  5. You will receive your DIW within two weeks of the sale’s conclusion

More infomation, check here :

💲Website: https://diwtoken.com
💲Whitepaper: https://docsend.com/view/qr8a4u7
💲ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2567416

💲My Bitcointalk profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1713510
💲My bitcointalk user name : Drloipro

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good review !