Classic toy: making sock puppets

in diy •  4 years ago 

Here is another classic toy for children in the age of computer games and cell phones.
** Sock dolls ** are the classic and simple toys, which are fun for the whole family when tinkering as well as playing.


Here I would like to give you basic instructions for making sock puppets.
'' And don't forget let your imagination run wild. ''


  • Material costs: Free of charge if you use materials from the household.
  • Difficulty: easy, with some crafting experience

Material requirements

  • a sock
  • a hand-sized piece of felt or fabric
  • Needle and sewing thread
  • Pins
  • solid cardboard
  • Scissors


Step by step

  1. Find a sock that fits your desired figure. The sock should not be a sneaker sock.
  2. Cut the felt to the shape of an oval. The dimensions of the oval should not exceed the width of the sock. Then transfer this shape to a piece of cardboard and cut it too.
  3. Slide the cardboard into the sock and place the future mouth exactly where you want it to be.
  4. Then place the piece of felt or fabric on the outside and pin it with pins.
  5. Now sew the “mouth” to your sock by hand with a single stitch along the outline. The cardboard will keep you from sewing the sock together.
  6. Then pull the piece of cardboard out again and fold it once in the middle. Now the cardboard is placed back in the sock. The stable mouth can now be opened and closed easily.

Now your basic model is ready, now you can let your imagination run wild.

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