A Simple DIY Project Anyone Can Do

in diy •  7 years ago 


My wife came home the other day with several flower pots and a smile on her face. She immediately asked me if I had any glue that would bond the pots together. I thought for a minute and realized that I have some high strength landscaping cement in a caulking style tube that would work...and then I asked "why?"

Apparently while at work she saw something on the internet that "planted" this idea in her head. Basically she is wanting to bond the different size pots together to make a birdbath. I was like...meh, where are you going to put this creation? Apparently she already had an answer for that to! There's a small "project" area in the woods that she's been working on and this was going in it to cover up a small stump.


She said that after the birdbath is painted and mulch is put down around it, it will look good. I tend to trust her at things like this, she has a better eye for decor and things alike.

So, we started off with lightly sanding the areas to be bonded to enhance the bonding surface.



After prepping the surfaces, I began applying cement to one section at a time. I used Liquid Nails Extreme Landscaping Cement.





After all the pieces are together, I used an outdoor sealant to seal the joints. Probably a little overboard but that's how I roll, plus it will look better after being painted.


There it is guys, a cheap do it yourself birdbath that anyone can do! I will post pictures once it's painted and in its final resting place. If you have any questions, please ask!



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Your wife has made a nice little area for her new birdbath, which was a nicely done project. The birds will love it! 🐓🐓

Thanks, we have several lil projects around the house like this...uggh.

Oh bro that's DOPE!
My wife says she likes it and gonna steal your idea.

Lol Tell her to have at it, man!

Nicely done! I love the idea of the bird bath! I just may have to borrow this idea...I also have some small glass tiles that I used on another project that just might look nice glued to the sides...

Borrow away my friend!

how beautiful Clay pot.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

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