RE: When things sound too good to be true, they usually are!

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When things sound too good to be true, they usually are!

in diy •  3 years ago 

Yeah the power companies are all jerks.

That is good to know about the batteries. I have been told the problem with them is that they need to be replaced every 4 years and that is costly.

Our electricity only very rarely goes out so we do not need to invest in the backup. Unless SHTF and then I guess we will need something if we manage to still be alive.

You may be amused to know that the last time the power went out it was because of a raccoon electrocuting himself.

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They will get worse, as things progress, SMH! 🤮😭🤬

True batteries like this are of limited life, but if I bought these at retail; they would have cost me about $2500.00! But buying them from the RV place, I only spent $230.00....

I can live with that. The LiIon batteries I am working on will last 20 years; or 30 years, if I'm careful! The Edison batteries I'm also looking at will last for centuries. So we'll see.

If the SHTF, the grid will either fail outright, or be turned off entirely. I need to be buffered from that, so I can care for her properly!

Hmmm, roasted raccoon 🦝☠️🦝☠️🦝☠️...excellent, LOL! They just do too much damage for me to like them.😭👎


When I mentioned the batteries to my husband he suggested we scavenge them from the apocalyptic wasteland. :-D Sounds like fun.

This is cheaper than getting shot, or leaving the homestead unprotected...but fun comes in all flavors, ROFLOL! 🥳

This will give me half of what I need, for $230, that will allow me to get the full system running while I can still buy parts if needed.


We don't shoot each other all that much up here---but time will tell. :-D

When things disappear, people will get ugly. Being out in the country, will protect you from a lot of it! I pray you won't have problems, I'm moving for the same reason.

Stay blessed!
