RE: When things sound too good to be true, they usually are!

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When things sound too good to be true, they usually are!

in diy •  3 years ago 

Neither system is inexpensive, and their efficiencies do very. However, they operate differently, and one compliments the other. When solar is cloud bound, the wind picks up; and when the wind drops, the solar gains output!

Paired, they operate more effectively than either by itself. Most people avoid wind power because it's more complex to control, but that can be home made on the expensive part. If you decide to add one, let me know; and I'll be happy to help you! Give me the system voltage and the wind generator ratings, and I'll design your dump load.

I plan to begin with the solar myself! If you want, I'll look at the wind generator for you, if you decide to buy one. Sometimes, the EE degree is useful, ROFLOL.


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Thanks! Too bad you didn't live closer! haha.
We are getting a 16kw system, which involves 40 400W panels. It will be tied into the grid and we are selling power back at the rate of 0.075 but they charge us 0.1554 . This is because the provincial government are crooks and have disincentivized conversion. They would much rather burn coal I guess. When my neighbours installed theirs, they got a better deal from the power company and sell back for the same rate they are charged.

Hopefully this is all the power we will ever need. Hahaha said everybody in 1975 after upgrading their knob and tube system.

So you are grid tied? No batteries is less money, but no backup power when power is down. 40,000 watts of panels is aassive system. I will be running a tenth of that with wind generator support for a total of about 6kw, charging about 13,500 watts of 24 volt batteries. These batteries should run my house for about 2 days with no input. Most of the house functions will be provided from the input devices most of the time, as they charge the batteries with the excess.

The system will make about 40 kilowatt hours from solar, and about 20 kilowatt hours from the wind source.

So right now, I need more battery capacity to absorb the 60,000 watt hours generated each day!


Yes, we are grid tied. I think our best bet is to upgrade later to off grid batteries. Potentially we will need more power if we get an electric car.

Can you sell back to the grid where you are? Some jurisdictions allow that. Ontario, for example, encouraged people to use wind and allowed them to sell back for a profit.

Our system is massive, but it is based on our usage, which I find fishy. We seem to be using a lot more electricity than other homes in the area and we are not sure why. We also have the problem of short days in Winter.

Whatever. If I end up with surplus power I will mine ETH or something. Haha.

I am as far away from being an electrical engineer as possible. Once you fill these batteries, how long can the battery be stored before it must be used?

Adding batteries is a good idea, and that is a large system.

My bill almost doubled when they added that damn 'smart' power meter! I told them in writing not to put one here, but they did while I was out. Then they started stealing with it!

That is the main reason I went off grid at the homestead.

When a battery is charged, you use that charge whenever you need power. It will sit for a year with only a small reduction in that stored power.

We can sell power to the power company here, but only if I allow them to connect.


Yeah the power companies are all jerks.

That is good to know about the batteries. I have been told the problem with them is that they need to be replaced every 4 years and that is costly.

Our electricity only very rarely goes out so we do not need to invest in the backup. Unless SHTF and then I guess we will need something if we manage to still be alive.

You may be amused to know that the last time the power went out it was because of a raccoon electrocuting himself.

They will get worse, as things progress, SMH! 🤮😭🤬

True batteries like this are of limited life, but if I bought these at retail; they would have cost me about $2500.00! But buying them from the RV place, I only spent $230.00....

I can live with that. The LiIon batteries I am working on will last 20 years; or 30 years, if I'm careful! The Edison batteries I'm also looking at will last for centuries. So we'll see.

If the SHTF, the grid will either fail outright, or be turned off entirely. I need to be buffered from that, so I can care for her properly!

Hmmm, roasted raccoon 🦝☠️🦝☠️🦝☠️...excellent, LOL! They just do too much damage for me to like them.😭👎


When I mentioned the batteries to my husband he suggested we scavenge them from the apocalyptic wasteland. :-D Sounds like fun.

This is cheaper than getting shot, or leaving the homestead unprotected...but fun comes in all flavors, ROFLOL! 🥳

This will give me half of what I need, for $230, that will allow me to get the full system running while I can still buy parts if needed.
