
in diy •  8 years ago 

Hello everybody!
Well now, today I've joined this site and it is polite that I write a little bit about myself.

I am civil engineer, stay at home mum now. One sone and one on the oven as you would say :-)

I was single mum for lots of years so I have learn to adopt and aurvive on my own with not so much money or help. Then I met my housband with who I hade 4 miscarriages and that was a really tough time for us.
But I learn of so many ways to help muself and now I help others in same situation.

I love books, music, amd DIY. I design my house, I do the art for walls by myaelf, shelfs and all other stuff with so little money so I will be talking about that too.

And since we had cancer in family we have learned to cook fresh healthy and tasty food that helps body to fight it off.

And I looove cakes and cookies so you can espect some reciepies.

That is it for now.
Hope we will have nice time here.


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welcome follow @secter

Will too...