Bitcoin is Processing Fewer Payments Per Month Than It Was in 2016 - Longhash

in dlike •  6 years ago 


A decent number of merchants have decided to remove the option to pay via Bitcoin since the small bubble in merchant adoption back in 2014, and evidence of the lack of growth in retail payments these days can be seen directly on the Bitcoin blockchain.

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Bitcoin takes too long to process payments, not really viable in the long run. Ripple appears to be the most viable one for mass transaction processing.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Steem is faster than Ripple and doing far more transactions per day in reality.

Ripple is doing less than 20,000 transactions per day on their decentralized ledger. Supporters of Ripple often present much higher numbers, but the numbers they count as "transactions" are actually exchange transactions - not on the ledger. Ledger transactions are few, because they haven't actually achieved much adoption beyond speculation.

Steem on the other hand is doing about 800,000 transactions per day even in this low period, was doing 2 million last year, and Steem transfers (eliminating all other transaction types) alone surpass Ripple Ledger transactions.

Thats intersting, how long does each transaction take to process, realistically it isn't other crypto curriencies but visa and mastercard that you should measure against.

An average of 1.5 seconds and a max of 3 seconds under normal circumstances.

1.5 seconds is enough to feel slow to an end user compared to a credit card, especially compared to contactless for small pruchases. For shopping online though it is competitive.

Damn, that's really depressing data...

They will all accept Bitcoin in 3-4 years :D