This essay by Umair Haque is right on the money in pointing out how the Left has helped create the current movement of the working class towards right wing populism. Simply put, the Left has abandoned the working class and its “kitchen table” concerns (jobs, cost of living, etc.) in favor of pandering to identity politics, particularly along gender lines. In the last U.S. presidential election, Hillary Clinton and the Democrats inadvertently campaigned on behalf of Donald Trump by demonizing his base (i.e. the “deplorables”)--in the years since, this demonization has gone unabated.
And so in demonizing Trump’s base—the working class—and focusing instead on the concerns of the elites in academe and radical leftists in general, the Democrats and their kin have chosen to be classist snobs when they should be building the largest tent possible.
Therefore, Trump gets far too much of the credit for causing division in American society—that division was already in full swing before he even came down the escalator to announce his candidacy. If there was any one thing that marked Trump a master at political judo, it was his recognition of this division, and his willingness to use the weight and momentum of the Left against itself. Conversely, the Democrats and others on the Left are proving themselves to be too politically stupid to take down the very Trumpian monster they helped create with their own hands.
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