Robots will steal human jobs in these states: Smart Asset - INSIDER

in dlike •  6 years ago 


Smart Asset, a financial technology company that provides online advice about personal finance decisions, recently released a study which calculated which states have jobs that are most vulnerable to automation. Six of the 10 states listed are in the South.

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This does not sound good.  I hope people read this and realize what is taking place.


greet jobs smart automation robot technology I like it..

it's true, there are automated tasks that we forget to verify

That's the downside. Hopefully, they will create robots not to replace real humans. 

Of course it will replace human workforce, but if that is the case , the basic income should be provided by the government for each laid off employee or worker... IT´s like paying a jobless person for life... 

Technology comes with a price - and I hope it won't be entirely replacing human work force.

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