How to send large files free over the internet

in dlike •  6 years ago 

Shared From Dlike

Sending large files free over the internet was an impossible task before the cloud. The only way to send large files over the internet was via email. But users could only send files of 25MB size. Now, if you upload a file larger than 25MB, Gmail pops-up a notification to share files using Google Drive like this:f you want to send large file free to someone then this is the right article where you can know the best way to send large video files free. Details below...

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"Sending large files free over the internet was an impossible task before the cloud" ???? I guess you didn't even heard of very old software, called win-zip or even win-rar :D

Yes, it depends on file type how much shrink can be possible so you cannot expect as you want for always.

Posted using Partiko Android

Shrinking is not even a thing you are looking for. It is dividing (I guess into 25mb) and again, putting parts of software into one piece again. Even before torrents were a "thing", there was already direct connection possible between two computers. I remember that even Windows XP had this option. There you could send bigger files over the net. I gues you can still do that (I'm not using this software /windows service any more)