Ancient Canadian Settlement Older Than The Pyramids Discovered

in dlike •  6 years ago  (edited)


Well! This is really cool. A great find by university students on Canada's west coast. 

That would be the ultimate discovery!! A great successful dig. 

I guess we will see what becomes of it. 

Hopefully this news will make Steem moon!! 

Haha! It will. Just HO tight DL ✌

I hope you enjoy this link. 

A researcher at the site said, "I remember when we got the dates back, and we just sat back and said 'Holy moly, this is old.'"

Source of shared Link

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So, how old was it? Those pyramids are pretty old!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Good to see you Dan! I think it said 14,000yrs, someone else commented the pyramids are 12,000 so relatively close but still older.

Hey Jill! I've been to Egypt and inside the great pyramid. They really have no idea how old the giza pyramids are, they can't even figure out how they built them. There are a lot of other pyramids scattered around egypt but none built with the same technology. Interesting stuff, I'd like to see archaeologists make some discoveries on past advanced civilizations but it just seems to be more of the same sticks and stones stuff, meh...