Amazon Ring Teaming Up With Police in War on “Dirtbag Criminals”

in dlike •  6 years ago 


Video and internal emails show how Amazon's Ring has blurred line between private innovation and public law enforcement.


Siminoff wrote — and indeed Ring made it easier for police and worried neighbors to get their hands on footage from Ring home cameras. Internal documents and video reviewed by The Intercept show why this merging of private Silicon Valley business and public law enforcement has troubling privacy implications.


Ring products come with access to a social app called Neighbors that allows customers to not just to keep tabs on their own property, but also to share information about suspicious-looking individuals and alleged criminality with the rest of the block. In other words, Ring’s cameras aren’t just for keeping tabs on your own stoop or garage — they work to create a private-sector security bubble around entire residential areas, a neighborhood watch for the era of the so-called smart home.

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The "self policing" is here to stay and beside being warned about it, people want it

And I'm all against this, except for the shitty neighbours I have around here, and all stupidity, and most of them deserve way worse than this, well, It might be caused by the 'dumbification' of the masses but at this point it's a matter of options, decisions, and the great majority chooses this bullshit, even the great part that states being awakened and aware continues to watch television, use wi-fi, smart phones or any kind of mobile phones for what matters, consume meat, drugs, pills..
SOMA pill will be available sooner than we think..

We already have Soylent, supposedly made from algae and plants, same as it was advertised in 'Soylent Green (1973)', what assures us that it is not made of humans? (since we've found a few cases of human hair and fetus in food..)

No, because if there are no humans the 'vampires' cannot feed..

Please end all of this now!!

Anyway, thank You bro for sharing this link, wish You the best, Cheers

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