[Acid Streams] League of Legends Mid/Bot Solo queue

in dlive •  6 years ago 


Newbie at LoL trying to rank up on ranked games, currently Silver 2!

My live stream is at DLive

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Lol doesn't seem like my cup of tea but I'll stick around and see if I change my mind

It is Junaid .. you gotta pronounce the J ..
Anyways thanks ;)

Dawwwg why is your thumbnail/cat guy all shaped like an easter egg... There must be a better solution than this 😂 😂 😂

Dlive turns it into a cube. :(

It seems like this hero has low mobility

League of Legends is one of the most interesting multiplayer online video game. Keep enjoying the game bro

Even if others don't understand, who cares. It's a great stress buster

So you gotta kill the minions and upgrade your character

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

It seems Dlive required high speed internet from users. I can watch few steps and need again wait a few seconds but I watched the game before from you. I am not a gaming guy at all but I live fighting happening there artificially :)

The game is a recreational activity with the goal of fun, leisure time, or light exercise. @acidyo you are so great, watching you play I want to be in your team, you are a really great game player @acidyo

Newbie at LoL trying to rank up on ranked games, currently Silver 2!

Well am pretty sure that if they play as often as you do, they will be as good as you are. Best of luck to them.

I'm not a game player at all but I live fighting there artificially :)
but I will stay there and see if I change my mind

one day i will play as good as you play!
as good you play ?no no that is not possible.i am not that good at playing games

Thats interesting League of legends game. You were playing it with patience and quite clear focus. You are passionate gamer. Liked the way of killing circling around not giving them a chance to hit you. Keep it up

Hey @acidyo
How are you mate ..
Playing lol, I've never played LOL


Yo @acidyo ..
I'm on time today. I usually find your streams when they're done

This great post i appreciate your game thanks for sharing..Best of luck..

Man, you play all sorts of games. A true gamer I'd say

Nice gaming post......sometime i play video games......appreciate this.... @acidyo

Let's see sir your live gaming :)

world war 3 going on right now!

I don't think we have hit the bottom yet

nice man...some people think that games are just or kids and i think these people didn't play game in his life.

This is the first time I've seen steem value more that sbd

Kick their ass this time

This is the same hero, right?

Octopus hero is cool

:) congrats all the same

Are you winning or losing this time

That was destruction

You got some kills there, nice

Finally, you win

Victory, congrats man hehe


Oh my God, seeing your post , seeing the amount of upvote. If I were you.. oh no!!

thank you for all the information in post @acidyo, a good post and useful for steemit users

Hilarious game. I enjoyed your increasing level.

Yes, I've played mobile legends on my Android phone. LOL is something similar