Crypt0Hoe-STREAM: Segwit 2X Fork, The McAfee Hack, And South Korea Buckling down on Crypto Trades! THEN- How bout some nudity?

in dlive •  7 years ago  (edited)


Streaming live tonight, discussing some key features of the Segwit 2X fork happening tomorrow, then we're gonna talk about some of the McAfee twitter drama, and how South Korea is joining the bandwagon in tightening the regulations for digital currency trades.

Then I'll probably get naked and do some fun slutty things :P

My live stream is at DLive

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Great analysis! Thank you very much!

I agree...good one indeed. In my latest post (pls see it) I indicated an abuse going on here (I mentioned you on the post) and I want you to see it and take action. I wish you more success.

Shameless plug, completely off topic?

For transparency - I approve of your right to do it, and I read you justification post. Yes, I think it is within your rights to do this, I do not think it is good for the platform.

There are a bunch more 6 days out, these have already paid.

Thank you for being an investor, and Happy New Years.

This has nothing to do with my blog post. Take your harassment and 0 value comments elsewhere.

actually, you are right that was rude of me. I was looking for his recent comment, and I didn't think of your blog. I am sorry for that.

Well thank you😁

Thanks for the apology.

Thanks for your contribution to this post. Amazing job

Captura de pantalla 2017-12-28 a la(s) 10.16.44.png

Ladies and gentlement: let me introduce you to @transisto, the self proclamed Steemit abuse fighter that turned to abusing as soon as SBD went up in price. Just another abusive butthurt Steem investor. I am kind of glad to see you lost hundred of thousands of dollars by investing in Steem at the wrong time.

How about you post your political bullshit on your own fucking blog

Weird thread choice for this

Yeah, you got one guy chasing a whale to get an upvote and another one dogging the same whale. Not necessary. Take this circle jerk to whatever little groups that want to hear it.

I am sorry again.

That was a DOPE stream yall!😎🤣

Workin on uploading the video now😁

So so happy for you. <3

Lots in the chat though, this is awesome

Thanks all! That was Awesome!

So lucky

Sorry I was late, @portcityhooligan was sexually harassing beforehand. No wall of text, because I agreed with nearly everything you said, but...

  1. Holy hell, finally an audience! So glad for you!

😂😂😂😂 you loved it

Oh, I did. You were about to get this link:

but crypt0hoe distracted me


Sometimes.....she said it 😂


Lte to the show

Hey hey. Thanx for the nooz.

good show

Thank you


regulation will fail

True story

this chat doesn't refresh so well

Capitalism = the market will decide

Yes! Real capitalism

yes. that is confirmed about the banks and debit cards

Love the show!!

Late but here

Im so glad you finally got an audience!

nice job dude. keep it up..ur posts are valuable for all.thnx :)

Nice copy and paste spam;)