@DLive24Hour update: Gaming schedule will be moved to Tuesdays (starting next week), working on updating the roadmap, exciting things!

in dlive •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hey everyone! Normally we would post the gaming schedule today, but Thursdays have become impossible for me to properly edit, post, update, etc the gaming schedule so I wanted to take this opportunity to very quickly update you on what will be happening moving forward:


Gaming Schedule:

The gaming schedule will be moved to Tuesdays. I currently do not have any game streams to add to this week's schedule and (for the most part) there are no significant changes to it this week. You can see the last gaming schedule here:



@wa7 (Founder of @DLive) has graciously delegated to @DLive24Hour to help support those streamers that dedicate their time to sticking to a schedule and giving you the best content on the blockchain. With this delegation, it means we got to step up our performance and efficiency. I am currently working with the team and others to have some exciting changes and projects moving forward and we will be posting the updated roadmap as soon as we get it all hashed out.

Burned Out

Okay, I am not burned out, but I can see it on the horizon. I have been going full bore for over 4 months now on this project and now that it is starting to gain traction I have to be more selective with how much of this project takes up my time, just being completely honest and transparent.

I am considering a postion for anyone that has experience in marketing and/or graphic arts that can help us bring our community to the next level. If you feel that you make eye-popping posts, have an eye for visual projects and is good in making logos and other graphics, please join the @DLive24Hour discord server at https://discord.me/dlive24hour and message me (@ericwilson). If someone is experienced in marketing and can help me strategize for a plan moving forward, I am all ears.

Now is the time: if you want to help on the project, please let your voice be heard. I am accepting help from anyone that is willing to offer it... I have a lot of projects and many hands make light work. I almost guarantee I can find a role for nearly anyone... just let me know.

Thank you everyone that has supported this project. Many of you believed in it before it was anything more than a few streamers on a post. Thank you for your continued support and well wishes on the project.

This is your baby, I just helped bring it to be.


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I am proud of the ever growing dlive24hour. I will continue to support and use the #dlive24hour

I'm always around man. If you ever need any help, let me know.