Streaming Grim Dawn - Playing a New game after reading about it!

in dlive •  7 years ago 


Playing Grim Dawn after reading a lot about it. The wife decided to get some overtime so I'm home all alone. Figured I would stream some more. Hope you guys enjoy!

My live stream is at DLive

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Yeah totally. I find it's important to communicate the value of what you do. And I don't always find that easy. I find it easier to write it out than to talk about it in person, so often times new clients in person are a challenge for me. If it's someone I find online, no problem. And I have learned when in person, I have to do what I can to set the agenda for the meeting. Some will take over. And those often times are the ones I don't want to work with.

Hello there! I'm tuning in!

I might have to play this for my next Joey Plays episode. I did Life Is Strange this past week but wasn't into it. Oh yeah, I understand. Chatting and playing a game can be a challenge.

What did I think of Life Is's not a game for me but I think my girlfriend would like it.

I have 2 19 inch monitors and then a small 9 inch monitor above those 2 monitors.

Thanks. I play on Monday nights at 8PM. Weekends I'm working but sometimes I might do a random stream.

On Thursday nights I normally do a show called Joey's Totally Tech, a tech news and q&a/help show. This week and next week it's on Wednesdays, so I did one tonight. Unfortunately I had a lot of technical issues.

Monday is my gaming stream. :)

Yes, east coast. I should have mentioned that.

Cool. I lived on the west coast (Redding, CA, Los Angeles, CA, and San Diego, CA) from about 2007 to 2014 and then I moved back to North Carolina.

Oh yeah. I'm familiar with Chula Vista.

I had a web design client for a short time there.

As someone who was in special education until 2nd grade (speech impediment) I can definitely appreciate what you do.

Ah yeah. I have very mild cerebral palsy (which is where my speech impediment mainly comes from) and Asperger's Syndrome.

I came back to North Carolina (where I'm from) because I have family here and I knew my dad wouldn't be around much longer. He passed away a year ago.

Also, California was really expensive.

OK. My mother's still around at least.

I actually live in Charlotte. She lives about 45 minutes east of Raleigh.

Unfortunately working retail part time now, it's difficult to see her often. I'm only working retail now, but I'm doing freelance web design/development and content creation during the week.

*working retail on weekends, I mean

The hours can be all over the place. Fortunately I work in a tech retail store that's part of Goodwill. And the boss is really helpful and understanding with me trying to do freelance web development and content creation too.

And so my hours are a bit more consistent now (especially helpful with Asperger's/Autism Spectrum Disorder)

Freelancing...sometimes I love it and sometimes it's frustrating. Yeah, you really have to find the right type of client. I won't work for just anyone.

At first, for me, it was difficult especially since I don't read people very well. There was a lot of learning what to do, what not to do, and what I need to do to protect myself. And then later, what I really should be charging (I wasn't charging enough)

I actually have this game but I've not played it yet.

So I now write out an agenda for in-person client meetings to help out, so the client knows what I intend on doing for the meeting and hopefully they don't take over, because I don't handle going off script well. :)

Totally agree there.

Yeah, and people with ASD often times have trouble when things "go off script" for them.

Oh yeah. Well I didn't know I had Asperger's until as an adult, but less was known about autism when I was a child.

Fortunately I felt like with school at least the schedule was consistent. Some teachers gave more homework than I could handle sometimes. Especially in high school when my parents made me get a job. But for the grades you mentioned you work with...

I'd say for the most part my teachers did well. I do feel like there were some teachers that could have put things in writing for me, as I understand things more easily when it's in writing.

I do wish my teachers recognized the bullying that I went through and did something about it a bit more. And I also wish they were able to recognize the signs of Asperger's a bit more so I would have known sooner. But again, less was known back then.

The thing is, though, every person with ASD will be different, as it is a spectrum.

Yeah that is unfortunate about people who don't really care. Oh, go ahead. I'm actually going to bed soon. It's late here.

You have a good evening! I'll definitely catch one of your streams again!

Yo man, rocking that Omega Squad Teemo ^^ How was the Grim Dawn game, is it any good?

The stream title is changed on DLive (although the stream is not on the page anymore). It's still about Grim Dawn on Steemit though.

If you're looking for something to pass the time game wise, I can definitely suggest "Guns, Gore and Cannoli", it's a sidescroller Metal Slug type shooter, 1920's mobster shooting zombies, was only 2,49 on Steam, check it out. And I'm at work now, 30 minutes in, still chilling on them DLive vibes ^^

Nice kill on that Heimer, you showed him who's the Yordle master! :D

lol the double kill :D That's normals for you xD

Bring the Teemo mirror match for sure! No need for Zed though, we can agree on other champs to make it fair :P

I would prefer a game like this over what I had earlier xD

Champion wise I would say that anything with a huge outplay potential is something I love to play because it always feels rewarding when you pull off something crazy. Gotta go for those clutch plays and Zed definitely brings that to the table. I am too slow/old for Yasuo, but as a champion he's also up there. Design and feel wise, Jhin is another one of my all time favourites lately. That login screen music was epic, I had that as my alarm for a while.

P.S. Don't forget that scene change ;)

Oh, I'm sure Kata could pick the enemy Katarina's blades. And Vayne is delicious, too. Don't think I've even played LeBlanc since her last rework a year or so ago. We'll figure it out ;)

Yeah yeah, got it on the later scene change.

Even though the overlay looks sweet, one thing I notice is that you can't see the ability levels through it. A minor thing, I'm sure, but maybe something you would like to know and decide if it's important or not.

Allright, have a good night on your end and I'll get some work done on mine! Peace!