DLive24Hour - Whatchu talkin' bout?!

in dlive •  7 years ago 


@dlive24hour - A 24-hour Channel - what we want to do and hope to achieve. And, ya know, chillin'.

Swing by, take your coat off and stay a while.

My live stream is at DLive

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They have Minecraft on dlive that's awesome. I'm going to have to get my little guy signed up some time this year, he always plays minecraft :D

Well he is playing a game and streaming it on dlive, you can stream whatever on there! Hit up my discord and pm me if you have any questions gettin' setting up.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

What's your user name on there ? (Discord)


I like the music. Who is it?

I'm into chill stuff. That beat reminded of Stumbleine. He's one of my faves. Ambient producer from Canada.

It's really loud.

Can't really hear you guys.

Still a bit loud imo.


I think it's a great idea. Yeah I stream on dlive. Usually retro games at this point.

YEAHH!!! hahaha. Yeah that was fun. That game is so hard.

What's up man!!!!!!\

Oh hell yes! I'll try to throw down some punch out soon!

what's up didn't even know you were on


Yeah man! #Production

lol yeah man I was streaming the GTA, Thanks man

It's all about the mix brother don't short on the mixer! The mixer makes the difference. And it's all good homie


What are yall smoking on?

6, last guess big money no whammies!

Nah man keep it green baby! #StayGreen

4 lol


I'llkeep showing some love! There you go lol! Let's go with 18! GTA man ya streaming here in a little. Trying to get that cash money!

Hmmm idk exactly man


Haha nice.

Like the UpVotes and stuff you can see and followers when they follow you can see that too.

FAIL! I absolutely FAILED!

@cdhexx has a video how to set all them up if you don't know how

LOL All good man. Thanks boys....Nah I tried to set up my XBOX to game on Dlive tonight....and....2011 MAC's dont work lol

yessir, book is on its way

yeah man.... banner looks cool!

ha ha ha ha the frickin' parrot

nice nice ya man that would work

good idea.....'Join Steemit' teach the bird to squak that all day lol

PUBG streams LOL All day cause I'm addicted. But yeah, motivational stuff is cool...I love the gaming stuff.

that's the cool thing about this platform...i think no matter what the topics, it will attract people.

Alrighty gents I'm headed out. Keep up the good work!

i'm trying to figure out if I can use this old ass MAC to stream on Dlive....doesnt look good.

i'm sure you can do it,but yeah it would need to be programmed i think

it's great...works perfect....just not enough for streaming games.


i forgot lol

real good

could try it. saturdays i'm usually away from the computer completely though.

lol way too much credit. i'm still trying to figure this out

yeah man. it's awesome. so much potential

iMac and a mic LOL

lol yeah man, baby is starting up already....i got my 30 minutes of quiet time LOL

oh no doubt.....she'll be back next stream


lol deal

hey boys, have a good one....need to get the kid to bed

Get the alerts set up on the stream brother.