RE: Steemit Inc Delegate More Around? Inspired By @silentscreamer

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Steemit Inc Delegate More Around? Inspired By @silentscreamer

in dlive •  7 years ago 

When stinc, et al, delegates stake your vote is worth less.
When a whale votes, everybody's vote goes down.
If stinc wanted to help us out they would delegate less.
Less active sp benefits those still voting.
If stinc delegated all their stake, only those that received delegation's votes would have value, everybody else would be rounded down by the math.

The whales help the little guys most by remaining on the sidelines.

When bidbots vote all that delegation the value comes out of your vote.
If that delegation was removed from the pool your vote would double, if not triple.

Does it surprise you that they dont tell you?
The newbs have no clue.
Its why your call to slit everybody's throat got me to respond.
Better you call for whale delegations to end, if you want to help the little guy.

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Lol, nice tweaking words here I never said: "your call to slit everybody's throat", first of all give some specific numbers. Sounds like you live with some scarcity mentality and dislike high stake holders. And stop tweaking stuff that a person never said. You are adding drama on top of something that wasn't even close to it. It's all just theory if you don't have numbers. How much more worth would your vote be if 1 million active SP used per day wasn't used? 10%? 20%? 100%? Life is a competitive game

You called for more delegation from whales.
I pointed out that more whale activity decreases rewards for eveybody not favored by whales.
Your suggested improvement takes food out of my mouth.

It's all just theory if you don't have numbers.

-15%? Hah that's nothing almost XD

Now multiply that by 36 whales and 274 orcas and you know why our votes dont count for as much as they could.

We've got to attract more than just whale sycophants if we want to be adopted as a currency.

The voting system is fine. But you need perspective. It will take 5 years to build up other accounts in STEEM POWER

Longer for those not favored by whale delegations.

That's common sense. So go get your support. It's up to you to build whale support