God Waves on MSP Waves Ep. 7 from 12 Noon Central

in dlive •  7 years ago  (edited)



Prayer for our friends in Nicaragua, where storm clouds are gathering to a category 4 Hurricane of Marxist violence against the population - foreigners are the targets.

In Today's Episode #7, we continue to investigate ancient worship practices in order to establish the threat that is upon humanity today. It lays the groundwork for understanding and practicing our defense against the forces unseen and seen that have no other goal that destroying God's creation and His image and likeness: YOU!

  • Venus and the Hero continued...
  • Another Rebel by another name
  • The Pries King of Uruk
  • Babel, Eridu and the Abyss
  • Abyss - A Closer Look
  • 'The Ancients called me CHAOS'
  • The bearer of the Light?

Two weeks ago, we investigated the "Paradise War", examined the fall and banishment of the Cherub that became Satan, and finally explored 'Ouroboros', the snake that eats its own tail. We had a closer look at our Milkyway and made our first acquaintance with the Leviathan.

Last week, we revisited Lucifer and critically looked at the long-held belief that it is he who became Satan. Is that what the Bible says?

Who is the original Queen of Heaven? What has she to do with Venus? What is the Anthropomorphic Strategy? We investigated the First Ancestor Worship.

All this is paramount to understanding Angels, Demons, the Adversary Satan, Giants (trolls, Nephilims), Spiritual Warfare as it is raging since the fall of Adam and Eve and the monstrous realities that are often depicted as myths or fables that are in fact, very real. Those who are in Christ have one weapon against ungodly creatures such as demons, cannibalistic giants, the Leviathan and Satan himself. This series aims to open the eyes of Christians to the true power they hold and I hope to bring those who are not yet in Christ closer to their Creator, so that they, too, may be protected and saved.

My live stream is at DLive

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This was a great show!!! Lotsa names. Had my head spinning for a minute, but full of information. I really enjoyed listening to it!! You do great work, froxxie.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It is important do go through the historical accounts of Mesopotamia, as it mirrors that of Genesis, Ezekiel and the book of Enoch. It will all start making sense soon. Think Big. Think Giants. And Stargates.