in dlive •  7 years ago 


Can't believe it's been 6 months since we received the delegation from @ned and Steemit Inc. Time flies when you're having fun.

My live stream is at DLive

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So. Awesome. I can't believe I've put off doing a live for so long! It's been a weird season. But it's been great to have a good place to put videos up. Thanks for your work!

@kayclarity !! I hope to see more videos from you :) Thanks for all the covers / originals you have uploaded to share with the DLive Community.

I love @DLive! You're my fave place to do everything! Thanks for being my always spot for Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays, and some things in between that I've been able to sprinkle in, thanks to this incredible new technology!

#StreamOnDLive -> I've been pointing to my Twitter people a lot with this one here https://twitter.com/intuitivejakob

@intuitivejakob, thanks for the kind words. I hope we can continue this momentum and grow our Community. Keep up the great work on your live streams :D


Happy 6 months guys!

yay! So excited for Dlive! :)

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