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Panta KIll!

What is it with PUBG and chicken dinners? I keep hearing it all the time. 🤔

56 people dead, and Jimmy Lin killed all of them

Yo! About to go live on some PUBG myself. Let me know if you want to Duo and get some 🐔

Ok, sounds good! Good luck, with the stream! Do you mostly play solo?

have a great stream man! i upvoted, would appreciate if you do the same on mine thx :D

Sounds like a VSS shooting at you.

Get that 🐔!

5 Kills! NICE!

I need to play more lmao i'm so bad now

everything looks smooth here @jimmylin

gg's guys thanks for watching! @ajaxalot if I do some duos i'll hit you up for sure

CSGO players always has advantage on this game so you will do it mate :D

@mugurcagdas i suck at CSGO though :(



hi jim,,,,good to see you again playing PUBG

what's up @jimmylin

Hi fri , I also start a game

So close!