Joey's Totally Tech - Will Memes Be Illegal? 06/23/2018

in dlive •  6 years ago 


Welcome to Joey's Totally Tech! We begin promptly at 9PM ET tonight! And here's what we'll be discussing on the show!

  • Brian Krzanich Resigns as CEO of Intel!
  • 300,000 NVIDIA GPUs are Shipped Back To NVIDIA By An AIB Board Partner!
  • Bitcoin Declines to a Four Month Low Amid Technical Pressure
  • Steemit's CEO Cashing Out 50% of his Steem Holdings!
  • DLive Launched a new Android App
  • RAM Manufacturers Coudl Face Major Fine
  • Valve Introduces their Next-Generation VR Controllers called Knuckles
  • A New EU Copyright Law Could Ban Memes!

And of course I'll get to your tech questions right here on Joey's Totally Tech! Give a gift here on the live stream or become a Patreon supporter at for as little as $1/month to get priority in the tech questions!

My live stream is at DLive

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