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Hey! I made sure to follow you after you came to the chat on my stream! I hope to see you around! :D

Go for the Goal! I love watching sports :)

Really interesting to watch.

Marcus is a good player. Scores a lot of goals aswell

Salut! ziomalu pomalu, wszyscy do szalup :)

Salut! "mate slowly, everyone to launch"

Salut oue j'ai des problemes de connection malheureusement :(

Hi @dirapa yes experiencing connexion issues!

ok, i dont got alot of time becouse im waiting for game now :) good luck

Thanks for stopping by!

FIFA servers are down, how unlucky!

#FIFA TYME!! or is that a rip because of the servers

They are back on! Should be fine now.

Yo @clasicktv sorry man had internet issues stupid ISP, then EA went down hahaha bad day!

Salut @Mehdibca comment vas tu ? :)

Be Right Back fixing few things!

Salut @hamtatv tout vas bien quelque problem de upload speed mais sinon ca va merci!

I am happy to follow you

Hi @apiprincz yes he does for Man U but never tried him on FIFA 18! I am currenctly experiencing issues with EA won;t allow me to access a game

Re ! c'est bon ça marche ? :D

Coucou :) Tu as toujours des problèmes toi x)

pas vraiment malheureusement j'ai pas reussi a resoudre le probleme!

Je vois ça :(

sorry I didnt pop in sooner!

Tu as combien de bitrate ?

la je suis a 2Mbps upload donc je suis meme en train d'essayer avec 800

ah ouai :o c'est plutôt bas

Essaye la 4G c'est peut être mieux

oue c'est ce que je vais faire je dois resoudre ce probleme en cours de semaine!

ah nice ça

Rashford is a good player and he is still developing, I hope he become really great player in the theater of dream. Up MAN UNITED!

Good game

hahaha @tigerfish I know right I am suffering here