Toxic Overwatch - The Climb Pt 2

in dlive •  7 years ago 


"Some people just want the world to burn." Welcome back to the sludge aka Toxic Overwatch! Last stream we fell to 1700 something before climbing back to 1900 range. Oof!

I've decided to keep this serious of Toxic Overwatch running until I hit plat again, when I imagine a smile stretched across my face. For's Silver, year, no, seriously, I'm currently Silver, but not for long!

My live stream is at DLive


Why I Play Mei - Whats A Meta?

My Mei main my piss a lot of teams off, but I do flex, so they can chill and miss me with all the hot and negative BS. Though she is often the center of controversy she's also generally the first to get a kill and the last one standing. Aside from that, I really just don't care about a Meta. If you're good enough you'll win. It's easier with a meta, but who want's that anyway?

"Introduce a little anarchy, upset the established order and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos."
-The Joker

Join Us For Today's Live Stream

Join your host Smurf live on DLive while he climbs out of the sludgy noobdum that is Silver SR in Overwatch. Characters you can expect to see this stream include: Mei, Mercy, Lucio, Ana, Symmetra.


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Wishing I was playing too. Good luck in your matches!

thanks @ajaxalot

I’m tryna play! Those fools in silver need a beat down.

yaaaas, join me! @thatkidsblac

@thatkidsblack smurf #1220


:) its really sensitive to user name

naw like 1 space

and they were like naw that aint it

keep going dude! the climb is real!

i was copy pasta and there was a space at the end so it did not take it

"copy pasta"


hey whats up

hey @achlord how's it going?

hey whatsup

Lol. Why your clothes has opacity? 😂

yea, it's special like that xD @eae

and hey @uykusuz how's your friday going?

Ayyy love the ukulele buddy lets gooooo

smurf is on that grind!