Dlive Exclusive | I’m declaring me as the world first (00001) #DliveNomad

in dlive •  7 years ago 


I’m #00001 #dlivenomad

What number are you ?

I’ll be taking selfie with 10,000 people in London Town and share it on Instagram. I’m starting this personal challenge today and I’ll be posting one vlog per day summarising this instagram selfie lists.


My video is at DLive

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This is great and very ingenious tremendous challenge I wish you success so that you fulfill that goal. How I would like to travel like that too!

Would not be appropriate to call me #dlivenomad. Firstly I can't fulfill the nomad status as I have to continue (for now) my 9to5 job. Second I am more active on @dtube and I appreciate their support. Because of my 100% loyalty, I will not switch places completely.
WOW @nathanmars 10.000 pics with strangers to support DLive... You, my friend, are a real hustler!!! A little bit of math: Let's say you take 4h of your time per day taking selfies and let's say you get 25 people in front of your lens, so every 2,4min you will have 100 pics per day. To reach 10.000 pics that means 100 days (over 3 month) taking selfies. I love it! I wish you all the best with it and hope people are open to doing so. High5 from Barcelona

You have such a good look. Smile.

If I can teleport to London so that we can have a picture together...lol

I don't know how you come up with the number, but I've seen someone with #00002, so I'm going for #000003...lol

Number 3 is my favourite:)

Wow, that's lovely....

And I am number #00004. Way to go promoting dlive. #dlivenomad

I will try my level best to be #00003 because @julietisrael takes the 2nd place

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great creative initiative for promoting dlive dear friend. Am eagerly waiting to see how it goes. I wish you all the best. As for me am dlivenomad #no. 00004

I’m #00002 #dlivenomad

I like it !!!!

I'm glad you do

Congratulations, my friend.

For being the first DliveNomad, All my good wishes for you, in your challenge of 10,000 selfie.

I hope you can share, the stories of some of the people that can be photographed with you.

A hug, Blessings.

Cool, I will be seeing more of you these days, I'm gonna join you in the course of this challenge brother. You looked good in that picture you shared last time.

You down gunnersbury park this weekend??

I can certainly come down.
What’s happening there this weekend?

LoveBox my guy that two day little festival thing ;) I have been buzzing to see Gambino for almost 2 weeks now but we could meet i'll hit you up on telegram!

Sounds good!
@nathanmars - Telegram

I am from Bangladesh, so many population country Bangladesh. thats why I am not found in any number!

By the way best of luck for you sir.

Great blog! But my sorrow is that I can not take pictures with you. Although I do not live in that country And this is a good challenge!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for introducing a new tag @nathanmars,
Its a great opportunity you are providing.
This #dlivenomad community will be rocking the steem planet.

I have gone through the comments and i agree with @emmakkayluv that how the number will be alloted. I have gone through the comments of other people too. I have seen 2 people with 00002 , one with 00003 and one with 00004, I don't know how its being delegated and from the comments, I think 00005 is available yet. Can i take that number..
And please share the design of the Tshirt so that we can get it printed too...
and i would love to promote #dlivenomad community in my City too..

#dlivenomad community will be all over.

I will not sell steem for less than $100.
Thank You

It was great challenged! I am proud for you! your thinking was always best. best dlive

great job brother. taking selfie with 10,000 people is very difficult task and you share it on Instagram. wow, sounds amazing.
i wish i take a selfie with you brother.

I’m new here is, I will manage #00000#dlivenomad

dear brother it is difficult to take 10,000 selfie, you take it.. it is amazing.
best wishes for you brother @nathanmars.

That's an epic challenge. London is the perfect place to do it - it's go the population :)
I hope to bump into you one day and be one of those numbers haha.
#dlivenomad forever.

@nathanmars, Absolutely what a creative idea you have my friend. I'm most encouraging with your thought outs. unfortunately i'm not staying London currently for staying with you selfie. If you have any idea to travel Sri Lanka I'll be lucky person take with selfie in amazing location. Also I haven't Instagram channel. Hope it will download like as others.

I will not sell My steem power for less than 100 USD.

This is great. You are a nomad indeed. I will also love to be on the list of #DliveNomad

It is good idea my friend, but i can not selfie with you my friend, because i am long far away with you.
Have a good day @nathanmars

maybe i will be one of the audiences in your experiment, because i live in indonesia. Wish you success with you that you do .. !!

I fell proud for you sir @nathanmars.
Best regards from

Way to promote the DLive community man!

That's a really cool T-Shirt. I think we all need it :-)

I want to be the number one if you come to Pakistan :/

I will not sell My steem power for less than 100 USD "

Great working i like making challenges or task and then complete because of this will boost motivation and confidence

wow, very creative idea ... but unfortunately I cannot selfie with you because I am in aceh and not in london. but I want to get into the one you choose for your experiment.

Am just seeing this due to bad network, this is great sir and I believe it will be productive. All the best sir.

I will not sell my SP for nothing less than $100

Hello friend, I wish you many successes in this challenge, it must be a great experience for you, many blessings, I wish you greetings, good friend.

best one <3