in dlive •  7 years ago 


today we discuss Canadas telecommunications corporations deciding to pull some hostile takeover using piracy, how the FCC is doing trying to paint a narrative, and some other Canadian news. Lotsa Canada stuff today. Geez!!

My live stream is at DLive

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I feel so responsible learning about Canadian politics. You're making the whole US be a little less egomaniacal. I'm only a little surprised out how different it isn't.

Pai - Net neutrality kills people because hospital data should be allowed to be prioritized over us watching Pepper..... yeah, that's what ISPs do

Have you seen that study that local co-ops provide cheaper AND better Internet access? The companies fighting net neutrality are also trying to get those shut down

Seriously - if piracy is causing you damage, prove it and collect your damages. Obviously they can't prove it.

I live in a rural area in the US. We're underserved by pretty much everything. What do y'all try to do with it?

Love it! Kinda seemed like your ass was singing for a second there.

Bah - iz goo ass

fuck.... *good. Now I'm a terrible person