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Brother ..... I like all of your posts. Thank you so much for posting this. Please give us a vote and comment on us. After giving a reply, I understand that you are a friend to me.

this guys should crash holly bible or koran, if he realy brave

thanks for link dlive doesnt show you on hot

fantastic post abot holly friday zombie jezus

u celebrating easter?

i glad and happy becase christians give us free days without work xd

who is this dumm?

crash course with john green

im went today (in fact yesterday, because actually is 4am) to church to devote my eggs, but in polish eggs mean the same balls, so im devote my balls, my girfriend is very glad

in school one think is very dummy, why we cant chose lecture which we want ready instead nessery lecture written by guy who lhas lived 100 or 200 years ago, whats u think abot it?

sorry i mean that lecture should be more modern and fit to this time, u think similar?

do u like read books, is fantastic think. i think nessesery boring lecture discourage young people to read

about odiseya?

Hey Pepper!

whoops - This is Eric hahah! He just got done streaming

Okay hahaha

u heard about athesit is anstop

fucken, chat window about athesit is unstopapable on yt super channel on yt check out!


ye atheist

i realy recomend thischannel atheist is unstopable

what is your favorite book, i hope that not harry potter xd?

philip pullman =his dark materials

in edyp drama ( was nessery in my school) is strange one think edyp was the queen son and husband for the same women, why he didnt figure out , before gods punisched Teb

sounds nice