Continuing Coffee With Jane On DLive!!

in dlive •  7 years ago  (edited)


So previously on my blog, I mentioned that I will be discontinuing my Coffee With Jane segment for several different reasons. I feel that those reasons are resolved by moving my segment to Dlive. On this segment I'll be going over the reasons why I stopped doing CWJ and what to expect in the future!

Watch This below After You're Done With The Stream!

My camera battery died right when things were getting good! Here's a video explaining what you need to know and what to expect in the future with CWJ & DLive!! Let me know in the comments below what you think of this move, what times do you think are best for going live, and what you would like to see me talk about!

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Give us an intro, since this is your first DLive stream :D

Hey @jimmylin thanks for tuning in!! I appreciate that so much. I'm sorry that we got interrupted, definitely won't happen next time. I'm still a huge noob haha

For your first stream it wasn't bad at all, until the battery died haha. Keep it up I hope to see you using this platform more often :)

Audio sounds great!

Bro is on the stream! He's logging in now :D

Welcome to DLive @paolajane =P

Hey!! Thanks for tuning in :) sorry about the abrupt ending, won't happen next time. Hope to see you next time!


I put your link in the discord :)

Hey there :)

Hi @paolajane, is this your first stream??? Welcome to DLive

Doing great Paola! Awesome that you are doing dlive now :) I'm doing great btw. Thailand is awesome, I'm awesome, you're awesome, everybody's awesome! Woooohooo!! :D

I'm sorry we didn't get to chat more! You're so awesome im glad your having a great time in Thailand :)

Missed it by seconds...get ready for rapid fire questions from me on your next one.

Haha well I will definitely appreciate that!

im new....plz how do i join dlive as a minnow?

the morning coffee with Jane was the best cup of coffee of the day. The audio and the video is perfect and . I start a week ago with streaming @Dlive and i really start to love it. I wish you best luck. Thanks for doing this @paolajane

Thank you for your support and sorry about the abrupt end! But for the first time going live im pretty proud of what I accomplished. Thanks again, and ill see you around dlive ;)
I recorded this right after the dlive ended because I didn't get to say somethings that I wanted to!

haha great end :) There will always be haters, but that means that you are doing well. See you around dlive :)

Hi Paolajane! Great to see you live...well...sort of. Haha.

Thank you for tuning in!! My camera died and made for a cringeworthy ending haha

Great job as always @paolajane :)

Thank you very much! :)

Life without coffee....impossible.