Bollywood actress Surveen Chawla has hid her marriage for the sake of two years. The actress, who has recently released her story in the social media, gave her the talk of Surveen and Rajiv Khandelwal starring Haq, the web series, which is going to be released in front. This web series, produced by Aal Balaji, has been directed by Ken Ghosh. Huq opened his first marriage with his wife in front of the light while Survein opened his web series.
Why have you kept your marriage secret for so long? In reply to this, Bollywood beauty said, 'I was not mentally prepared then. I was not comfortable to bring my marriage in public. I have overcome this problem today, so let's talk to everyone about marriage.
Surveen is known for his bold appearance. After marriage, Bollywood actresses are generally seen to be less brave in acting. Will she be seen to be brave again on the screen? Srimin said, "After the marriage, I have acted in an intimate scene with Anurag Kashyap in a short film named Chori. I can do it for the character's needs. If marriage was a barrier to career, then I would not have got married. '
Survin said, 'I married a man who respects me and my work. He has always encouraged me. It is important to have respect for married people. '
This Bollywood beauty said, 'I am surprised many people ask me, will I continue playing after marriage? Everyone left his job after marriage. Career relationship with marriage? I have been married for two years. No one knew when, when someone asked this question