RE: #ReikiRecharge ~ Energy Support for Transmuting Blockages into Blessings

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#ReikiRecharge ~ Energy Support for Transmuting Blockages into Blessings

in dlive •  7 years ago 

Right on Brother <333 Always an Honor to help <333 I have heard of Cranio Sacral Therapy although I haven't really researched it much or practiced it. Do you find that you are making progress with self treatments? How often do you do them if you don't mind me asking?

Thankfully it's cooled off a bit today and the humidity is way down so I am feeling more ability to function, so if you're up for it, tonight around 8ish/9ish (whichever works better for you) I will hit you off with another full on session. Just let me know Bro <333

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Ive only done a few times, about once every night. Have been studying the skull anatomy and tuning into the subtle movements. Ultra sensitive to this crap. It actually starts moving the energy immediately and i can feel my hands pulsating w the movement. Possible the skull is my issue. I plan to continue nuero cranial restructuring which is adjusting the sphenoid bone w balloons up the nose. The sphenoid connects to every skull bone accept 2. It also houses the pineal gland. It gave some major relief and really hit the spot.

Now im reading into different energy work and shamanism. I have no idea wtf i have. I believe the mri (magnets) i had in the hospital majorly calmed my issue.

This started in 2007 and so much happened that year that i am clueless on what im actually dealing with. Besides the crap i feel very at peace and blessed.

Now the shamans are talking intrusive energies or entities, freaking A. I know its affecting my central nervous system and the shakras. Like its stuck in the top 3. So physical, spiritual, energetic, disease, i dont stinking know.

Ive done quite a bit of research on mushrooms and how they have helped w different things including cluster headaches. I use to micro dose and they acted like a muscle relaxant. So recently my friends (big into mushrooms) gave me some. Took a full dose of tea few weeks ago and oh boy. Not a bad trip but they went straight to my pain and intertwined w it. All in neck skull face and sinuses. They increased the pain to levels i never knew existed. The most intense long lasting pain i ever experienced. I literally died and it was just pain and conciousness. Had to fully give up to it and finally after night passed it spared my life. I woke fearless. Again no idea why.

Apologize for blabbing so much. I guess just getting it out and i feel you are intuened to things.

Ty for all your help and if the offer still stands 9 would be good. I found i also have hematite stones and have been using those. Also ordered a magnet necklace and am looking into stones. Im reading theres lots of fakes so trying to find some real ones. Namaste

I will respond to the above later tonight or tomorrow but wanted you to know that I am sending reiki now brother <333 I was away from the computer and just got back to the house now :) Much Love

Was in meditation, open receptive. Ty <3

Right on Brother <333 How are you doing today? :)

Decent, better than last night, had an attack. <3

If you are open to another treatment tonight @weirdheadaches I am in. Just lmk. I appreciate being able to help you and honestly it helps me too bro, so you know <3 I haven't received insight into specifics but I am being guided to encourage you to remember that there is a solution, that for every problem the solution already existed. <3 <3 <3

Ty for thinking of me :). Yes that would be Awsome SiStar. Im open, whats a good time for you? What fun would it be if everything was easy :p. Well next life or the rest of this one, easy sounds pretty good. Ty for the input, difficult to feel that sometimes. <3<3<3

Right on Brother <333 Yeah...I know what you mean Bro <333 Easy does sound good...I'm with you in putting it out there ;) If 9 works for you again that would be awesome :)