[U-Hat @dunite] FORTNITE

in dlive •  7 years ago 


(If you are seeing this on steemit click the picture to join in on the live stream! ) feel free to ask any questions about dlive or streaming! Going to be playing some Fortnite and other games . Join in on the fun and get stoned with "muah" ;D

Don't forget to check out @dunite . We Love to upvote great content :D

Twitch Link :

Stream Tools I Use : http://dunite.tools/

Computer Specs:
CPU: ryzen 1700x
GPU: 11gb 1080 TI
RAM: 32gb ddr4 3200A

My live stream is at DLive

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you did him dirty

Ayyy how's it going U-Hat?

this game makes me so mad sometimes


Only thing i hate about it is people phasing through my freakin walls XD

Poor guy he just wanted some wood bruh

Nice shot

Nice try tho man.

+18 headshot :P

doing good man, do you have any plans for the weekend

I'm good just woke up gonna have some breakfast and then stream some fortnite myself ^^ Have a good stream man :)


have a goodnight man

If you drank your blue when you were at 50 shield you would not have lost any Health on the green