MisBits Raw Stream - Dropsy

in dlive •  7 years ago 


Welcome to The Abbey!

MisBits is a #vlog premiering soon on Steemit devoted to misfit video games, and Dropsy looks like a prime candidate.

Dropsy is a non-traditional take on the classic point and click adventure formula starring the game's perpetually carefree namesake clown as he explores a richly detailed world full of colorful characters and sinister secrets, doling out hugs along the way. Rather than lead players on a singular narrative path, players are free to determine which avenues of adventure they want to explore in an open world setting and can piece the puzzles together at their own pace.

So... How about a hug?

Developed by Tendershoot & A Jolly Corpse.
Published by Devolver Digital.
Released on PC September 10, 2015.


My live stream is at DLive

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no its looks like that

but there are no trees in the area i life :( sooo many people

What's up pilot? Need a hug? 🤡

No. No drugs needed when you're a clown. It's all love.

yes every day

Shitgames :D like pubg and stuff like that

lintenhinks streams a lot farcry on dlive. its look like a fantastic game

yeah i am here.

lintenhinks is here, too but he is shy

hey there 🙋‍♂️

i playes 1500h arma 3 and at the moment i am looking for a new game

arma 3 is a military simulation

so i need to sleep

its 2:50am in germany

bye see you next time

where have you been in Germany

can you write the city in the chat i cant understand the name

Schwäbisch Gmünd

a this is far away from my city i life in the near from cologne


in my city lifes 2772 people on 1km²

Hello Vector

I like talking to people from other countries and check up what going on there XD

Same here! It's very cool of you to chat with me here

One of the main reasons I try and stream every day is to network with peeps

there are too few people chatting

you play some multiplayer games ?`

Yeah - I get it, it's easier to not talk with one another... But, life is short and we all have a lot to learn from one another

I rarely play multiplayer games online

Mainly due to my computer not having enough RAM - I don't want to slow anyone down

Which multiplayer?

When I upgrade I'll start checking out more games

GTAV... L4D2 ... That's about all I've tried.

counter strike?

if you want you can talk i can understand you

i play a lot csgo. but i play not so good :D

I used to play a lot of altis life in the past. its a online rpg where you have to communicate a lot with other players. a lot fun bro

Cool chattin' with ya Pilot
