Let Play Super Mario 64 Live on Dlive ep1.

in dlive •  7 years ago 


Hello everyone! I'm going to be playing some Super Mario 64 live tonight. I'm doing this in order to gather footage for an edited longplay which I will be uploading to Dtube soon! Keep an eye out for that. Thanks for tuning in!

My live stream is at DLive

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Hi There Neighbor! I'm streaming in DLive too, lol! Checking you out...mario is cool

Thanks for coming by! If you're still streaming when I'm done in 30-40 mins I'll stop by yours!

Brings back memories :-D

I love the nostalgia I get from all the retro games. Thanks for tuning in!

Super quick break, brb

another quick break, be back in 2 mins. Thx for watching everyone!

Shoot! Sorry about the audio folks. I turned it back on. Time to slay Bowser!!

Alright I think that's a good stopping point for Super Mario tonight. I might jump back on with some other retro games in a bit. Thanks for tuning in!!