[LoL]Bronze ELO DuoQ Bot Lane as ADC [TS3] [Music] [FaceCAM]

in dlive •  7 years ago 


I'm playing League of Legends with my team(WeLoveGaming) as a Jungler!
We are playing Flex Ranked as five.

---- Team Players ----
Top Laner: Layer De Red - Platinum 3
Jungle: Wrath in Jungle - Platinum 5
Mid Laner: mrsyr - Platinum 2
ADC: Kîte Simulator - Platinum 5
Support: Heal Sîmulator - Platinum 5

---- Stream Info ----
Video Bitrate: 2000
Sound Bitrate: 128
Video Output: 1280x720 @30 FPS

---- Spotify Playlist ----

Have FUN!

My live stream is at DLive

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iyi yayınlar okan :)

Omuzların ağrımıyor mu takımı taşımaktan :)

:(:( öldüm öldümmm

kanser şoooov

olum yapmayın kendinizi kanser etmeyin oralarda :D

ver kasanı xd