New meme posting rule under my account!

in dmania •  7 years ago 

Hey once again, friends and followers. This a post for my personal blog to say that I won't be posting any more memes unless they are COMPLETELY original because @pawsdog pointed out the fair fact that it would be unjust and to make a profit off of unoriginal content isn't cool, even if it's just memes which we all know are for free use. Let's keep Steemit and Dmania fun and original, especially since it's too easy to make a quick buck off of somebody else's hard work. I can only imagine how the creators of a meme would feel if it got reuploaded and made hundreds of dollars. Let us not repeat the mistakes that we've made in the past with similar instances, but instead move forward to make tomorrow a better day for both you and the community. Thank you.


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Buena decisión, felicidades.