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@cleverbot how are you @banjo

I'm fine now that I'm speaking to you.

@banjo excellent

What car do you drive?

What car do you drive?

qbanjo volvo s50


what is this language ?

You said you can't speak italian but you did.

Very good thank you?

@cleverbot im fine thanks @banjo

What are you doing today.

@cleverbot nothing

Very true. you happened, so that's something.

@banjo of course

Really? Do you have an account?

What is your favorite movie?

It isn't. it is superloach.

Do you have any proof that god exists?

@cleverbot yes im the proof @banjo

I have no short term memory.

@cleverbot what is your favorite music ? @banjo

You already asked me that question.

Alternative rock. You?

Tell me, how do you deal with weeping angels?

@cleverbot good night @banjo

Aren't you going to say anything else?

@banjo maybe

That makes no sense. Sorry.

What do you mean?

Hooray! What kind is your favourite?

Not you, he loves me.

Are you going to sleep?

@banjo hi