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We gotta use our Steem power sparingly now, it seems. WELL...that is a great piece of evidence that Steem (and your attention!!) is insanely valuable! :D

Steem power is valuable for sure.

We are just getting started....lets see where we are in a year

my attention is limited for now as I really need to recharge not easy though but it has to be done at some point.

I am thinking about going juicing again for a week or so in the future. But sure not as long as you ;-)

The struggle is real! I need more Steem power. But I feel like there isn't enough steem power to upvote all the good posts.. Steem power is like basically just like money, the more you have.. the more you spend lol

Lol. Yes that is true unfortunately.

DAS Problem kenne ich gut...war heute Morgen nach längerem Voting-Fasten endlich mal wieder auf der Höhe und bin mit dem Voten Deines Artikels grad wieder unter 80% gelandet...

makes me smile for some reason

...and the Mona Lisa doesn’t have eyebrows anymore XD

This rings so true to me, I just upvote blindly and hope one day the algorithm for the site will match my voting habits rather than me try to conform to it's rules lol.

lol :-)

let me know when it worked out for you :-)

I liked your post very much. Sir, I learned a lot from your work

Oh how much I feel every single word of this post 😂😂

it came from the heart ;-)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

haha :D, resteemed

thank you :-)

and don´t forget to upvote my comment! 🤓


hahaha 😂

True story! :|

sad but true.

good post friends.

I am only one person but still thank you

Yes, you are welcome

very nice! power control

have to learn it at some point! but not today ;-)

use slider my friend ....btw the more steem power you have the more u can make and can give more to others also :)

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

that is very generous!!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I delegate some SP to you later to then we shall see who owns who ;-)

But vessel doesnt seem to work atm

On a serious note what you doing is genius and will help Steemit take over the world.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I have never seen it this way.

But despiste the font color we are the same ?

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

@flipstar wow nice sir your photography relay good informationyour post & helpful relay good..Amazing article and…

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

There's low, and then there's 0 cents.
Really Steemit, does my opinion mean nothing to you?

you seem to be making more than just 0 cents

I was talking about my upvote power.
Check out how much your comment earned thanks to my upvote.
Now don't disturb me while I cry in the corner...

check back in a year if you stick with it :-)

Will do mate!

Yesss 😂

lol Very funny

Hahaha this is hilarious

thank you

more power more happiness

kind of not always true

what's dmania?

steemits meming platform

ha ha ha funny!

keep going ! ilike it

also ich kann meine Voting bis heute nicht kontrollieren. Bin immer wieder komplett unten bei 10-30%....

So schlimm ist es bei mir noch nicht aber ich werde mich jetzt 1-2 Tage probieren zurück zu halten.

Mal sehen ob das klappt


I got the power haha

I try to get some,too

The question I ask myself is: How can I control what is expressed in 0? Steempower magic potion falls into my wallet and evaporates in voting.

How you mean?

I see in my wallet that there 0.00somehings arrives at growth of Steempower, but then I have the impression that it will melt away at the same time. What is to be considered? Even though I have already read myself into Steemit and the information about it seemed to be understandable, in practice my uncertainty about how all this works under the bottom line of computing power is evident.

Hab gerade bei dir geschaut. Du kannst SBD und etwas Steem Clausen. Mit SBD kannst du bitcoin oder Steem und auch andere cryptocurencies kaufen.
@austrianguy hat einige Artikel darüber geschrieben. Schau da mal vorbei am besten 😊

Was meinst du mit "Clausen"?



What is Steel power, how do you get it, and why is it useful?

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote! I just ask for a Follow in return!