in dmania •  7 years ago 
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I hope flat earthers find the edge... So they can fall off of it.

That link leads nowhere, just like the argument for flat earth.

Love how that website does not have an evidence tab to click on, and you must be F'ing crazy if you pay those people anything for more info.

I'd love to debate, so since that website offers nothing even circumstancial or better, please explain your views personally, and specifically what you believe about the "firmament" and your antithesis to gravity, satellites, and coriolis effect.

i am a conspiracy connisuer, and i believe in quite a few... That have evidence.

But Flat earth, Reptilians, and fake moon landing are all distractions at best, or complete cointel pro propaganda at worst.

The only point i ever see as to why this crap is believed is to prove that we and the earth were created, special, and roughly have only existed 6000 years.

This is complete lunacy in my opinion.
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