What is the World Coming To

in dmania •  7 years ago 
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There are two camps of people who are happy about this change: Feminists, and the LGBTQ community. I don't see this change serving anyone other than the governments own manipulative agenda to appear sensitive to the needs of women and the LGBTQ community.

As a woman, regarding this change, I just don't see why they HAD to change it. I see it as a piece of heritage, a piece of literature. Then again, they changed the original "thy sons" to "our sons". I don't know what to think of this. I think I don't care, part of me wants to, and I get what this symbolises to others, but I just don't see how it's going to help them. They are being manipulated to believe the government cares, and this only fits the government's agenda. It's not going to help those groups of people.

Good insight. I just honestly think that there are more important things to focus on right now and that the anthem shouldn't have offended anyone in the first place...and this isn't going to make a positive change towards anything...but this is what the world is like now so oh well.

Did someone make a complaint about the anthem? Or did someone at parliament decide randomly, "oh let's change the anthem!"?

I don't know but neither of those would make sense anyways

Well one of those two have to have happened for this change to have happened. Unless they just pulled it out of their ass :o lol

That just makes me cringe.

Exactly man

Just more politically correct BS. The world has gone mad! Trudeau is a lunatic.